Fish and rice? That was simple enough to make! She had rice ready, too, it wouldn't be hard at all to make it alongside the fried rice... "Of course, valued customer ~[i]degeso[/i]! I'll see you when you return ~[i]degeso[/i]!" said Mizuko, cheerfully, waving to the rat-person as she walked away. With that, she began to open up a place on her hot plate and brought out another filet of fish from her cold box. She acted quickly, setting it out and then beginning to prepare a fresh batch of rice. It really... was quite overwhelming to be preparing so much food all in a row, but Mizuko was confident she would have no trouble with it at all! Instead, she hurried to have all the food prepared as soon as possible. It wasn't long before the rest of the friend rice was finished, and the squid girl swiftly plated it and presented it to her customers. Now, all she had to do was focus on the fish and rice. And then... she saw the rat-person return with two... laborers? More people to cook for? "[i]Eto[/i]... I didn't realize that you were ordering for three ~[i]degeso[/i]," Mizuko said, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly with one hand. These people were dressed strangely, too... bandages and such old clothing? Maybe she could sell them better outfits... "Unless they're having something else, ~[i]degeso[/i]."