[@floodtalon] Leo watched intently as the old man came out to explain the innovations behind their latest machine. It was a fossil reviver that could allegedly work in an instant. This got Leo curious for many reasons, namely the anticipation of seeing what kind of pokemon would emerge from the Jaw Fossil. It was especially interesting to him because of his home town. Oreburgh City was the only other place he knew of that actually did fossil revivals and they lasted [i]awhile[/i], to his knowledge, at least. His mind was completely blown when the Tyrunt appeared in the blink of an eye. Having never seen the pokemon before, Leo swiftly reached out to his pocket to pull out his pokedex. An electronic voice would give him another small description of the new encounter. "Tyrunt: The Royal Heir Pokemon. Its immense jaws have enough destructive force that it can chew up an automobile. It lived 100 million years ago." That was...to the point. Basically, the creature was a tiny mon of immense destruction. Even after returning him to his pokeball for the event, Leo could just feel Nado shaking with anticipation at the thought of fighting that thing. Hm, maybe they'd get their chance one day. The next fossil's revival was interrupted by the sound of rock music blaring outside the doors. With each passing second, it grew louder. Leo's immediate first thought was to wonder why the hell anyone would play music that loud during such an obviously important event. His next was to begrudgingly admit to himself that it actually sounded pretty good...but still! The ever increasing volume made him kind of nervous. The door was slammed down and Leo immediately enlarged a pokeball to throw at any time. He felt that it should have been obvious to anyone with eyes that these weren't ordinary musicians. This suspicion was confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt when the blue haired man said he'd need to "borrow" it for awhile. Eager to battle, Leo was almost the first to bring out a pokemon to combat him, but he froze up at the last second. Metagross...a fully evolved pokemon. There was no way he could do anything to even dent that thing. It was shameful to admit, but he was outclassed entirely. "Nado, come out!" The Gible launched out of its ball and landed on its feet, a fierce expression once again replacing its usually carefree eyes. He wasn't taking down a Metagross any time soon, but he was confident that the grunts would be no problem. Leo paid special mind to the fact that he would be one move short during the fiasco. For all he knew, a Sandstorm could be the perfect diversion they needed to take off with the fossil machine. "Hold it right there!" Leo intercepted the three grunts aiming for the machine. He was outnumbered, which was bad, but he at least had three other mons to choose from if he needed to take them all on at the same time.