[h1][i][b][Centre]RYZIN[/Centre][/b][/i][/h1] [Centre]AMALGAM UNIVERSITY[/Centre] Ryzin looking around seeing the events unfolding, takes a step forward carefully approaching the action but stops suddenly. [Color=Yellow]'Hmmm this could get ugly, there's quite a few trainers here by the looks, i'm not the only one getting ready tho, hmmmmm Dm could get hurt in this kind of situation, she's never had this kind of battle before, we've done some target practice but not much, maybe that flying looking pokemon could be more our type of battle, I don't like the look of the other three,especially that big one that's on a whole other level. Then again nothing will stop them from ganging up on any trainer, I don't think there going to fight fairly. Should I intervene?, should I let someone more experienced handle this?, Dam it! I don't know what to do'[/color]. Dm watching Ryzin thinking about the situation sensed his doubt, SLAP! Dm smacks him across the back of the head, jumps of his shoulders grabs Ryzin by the pants and tugs him towards the front then stops,Dm begins to point at the flying pokemon, then shouts at Ryzin making a clenched fist at him, [Color=Yellow]"you want to battle don't you, I know you do but I didn't want to put you in this situation, this could get dangerous there's more than one pokemon here Dm"[/color], Dm looks at him then all the other pokemon and pouts,[Color=Yellow]"look Dm I am not saying we cant battle lets just stay here near the front and be ready to help if need be ok"[/color]. Then out of the front row a meter or so down form Ryzin a trainer steps forward about the same age as Ryzin or so and shouts [Color=Brown]"Hold it right there!"[/Color], seeing this courageous act Dm is brimming with anticipation looking at Ryzin. Ryzin looks down at Dm and says [Color=Yellow]"yes Dm we must help him, we must even the odds if only a little".[/color]