[center][h2][color=8d68ed]Jack Schreiber[/color][/h2][/center] [center] Location: Route 9 Group: [@Broyeabro][@Sho Minazuki][@alexfangtalon][@I-Am-X][@Alder] GM: [@floodtalon] [/center][hr] As Jack walked across the entrance of Amalgam, he reminisced his days in high school. Many of his colleagues who had finished high school went on to study at university, but not one of them would go on to become a Pokemon trainer. It was weird to think about how different the world Jack grew up in was different to the one he now walked. Shortly distracted by his thoughts, he realized that his aimless wandering was causing a scene among few people around him. Jack quickly entered the main hall, but stopped seeing a familiar face: Leo!. Him and a small gathering were all watching an old professor explain something about fossil revival, while holding what Jack deducted was the fossil of an extinct Pokemon, a Tyrunt so be named. As he slowly made his way over to get a closer look, a bright light shined as the fossil was put into the machine behind the professor, and suddenly the crowd of people around him loudly cheered, as the fossil had been transformed into a sleeping, lizard-like Pokemon. Jack was stunned by what he was seeing; a Pokemon was now born from the bones of it's oldest ancestors. [color=8d68ed]"Is this the kind of research Sycamore does? Or could it be..."[/color] His train of thought suddenly crashed. As the professor continued his lecture, the sound of a guitar beat at Jacks eardrums. Though it started out distant, it was immediately distracting to Jack, as it grew louder and louder. Suddenly, four men burst into the main hall. The one holding a guitar made a rather hostile scene, as mist began to collect across the ground. He shortly said that his name was Damien, releasing a giant Pokemon towards the professor, as the three grunts in front made their way towards the fossil machine. Without hesitation, Jack quickly made his way towards the fossil machine, but then noticed Leo standing out in front. Shortly afterwards, another strange looking trainer and his Totodile followed after him, seemingly joining the battle that was about to start. Smiling widely, Jack ran over and joined them. [color=8d68ed]"Now it's three on three, gentlemen. Come out! Bonesaw!"[/color] Jack declared, as he released his Cubone onto the stage, grinding it's club gently along the floor in excitement.