[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Kuro-sensei ([@vancexentan])[/center] [center][h2]An internet cafe across the street from Ahnenerbe - 1:50 PM December 2nd, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]Albert sighed. "Tis ze folly of youth, I suppose." Many forgot, but his borderline abuse of Thought Acceleration made Albert nearly an adult in terms of subjective time experienced. For every year he'd attended classes at the Clocktower, nearly three years of mental time had passed. While he didn't think about it very often, as mental age reflected very little on chronological or biological age, he supposed in some sense he was as mature as most college graduates. Not so mature that he was above sneaking a rat into Ryuunosuke's pant leg however. Albert patted his pockets, checking to see if he had a vial and anything suitably sharp on him with which to draw blood. "Merde. And after all zat... well, it appears I've gotten you all worked up for nozing, sensei. I left my kit back at... my base," he said, remembering to not give any more information away even in front of his teacher. "It appears I will 'ave to take your word for it. You showed me your 'ands zough, so unless you got extraordinarily unlucky and ended up wiz a Command Seal tramp stamp, I suppose you are in ze clear." Not to mention his mana leakage was within normal values from what he remembered from their time at the Clocktower. Nothing to suggest the kind of elevated expenditure that characterized a Master. Albert smiled. "I 'ave to say zough, I was not expecting you to 'ave students. Normal students, I mean. You're a public school teacher now? Zat's not quite what I was expecting you to be doing after leaving ze Association like zat. Zey seem quite fond of you." Albert thoughtfully slipped him a piece of paper with the number to a disposable cell phone he'd bought upon landing in Japan. "You should go after 'im. Before it starts looking weird. Or worse, suspicious. Call me when you feel like you've got somezing you want to tell me. Or I'll call you. Eizer or. I'm assuming you haven't changed your old cell number?" Berserker momentarily caught his attention again as well as the attention of the other patrons with her wet sobs and emotional sniffling. Albert regarded her carefully as she snapped back to attention. "A little too late, ma chère. And if you don't mind me asking... were you just watching [i]Star Wars?[/i]" [/hider]