[b]Name:[/b] Ian Mathers [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i62.tinypic.com/xngq6u.jpg[/img] Ian stands 5'10", with brown hair and blue eyes. He has no scars, though has an army unit tattoo on his right arm. [b]Superpower Name of ability:[/b] Light Manipulation [b]Description:[/b] Every since being exposed to the serum Ian has been able absorb, shape, and manipulate visible light. In the beginning Ian has only been able to pull the light around him into his body where it is stored, and radiate that light from his hands. However as his own control begins to expand his powers begin to manifest in holographic projections, invisibility, light-powered combat, and photokinetic constructs. [b]Level one abilities:[/b] At this most basic of skill Ian is only capable of absorbing the light around him and radiating it from his hands. At the middle of level one he will however, learned enough control to manipulate the light into blast capable of knocking someone back a few feet. [b]Level three abilities:[/b] By level three Ian will have mastered some of the more basic uses of his powers, being able to generate holographic projections, light solidification in the form of a shield, warping light around him for invisibility, and the light blast of level one is capable of throwing an individual up to twenty feet at great force. [b]Level five abilities:[/b] By level five Ian's control in solidification has increased to the point where he is able to create smaller constructs, such as a shield that molds to his body, small weapons, though nothing more complicated than watch or bigger in mass than a dog. [b]Weakness/drawback:[/b] The one major weakness for Ian has been his inability to generate light its self. As a result he is wholly dependent on the light around him and that which he has been able to store. This weakness makes him useless in a pitch black environment, and where visible light is at a premium. [b]History History:[/b] Ian Mathers was born and raised in Seattle, WA. Shortly after graduating high school Ian enlisted in the Army as an intelligence analyst. Ian served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, before returning stateside and marrying his high school girlfriend in 2004. In 2006 Ian was stationed in Japan for two years, before moving to Germany for another three. It was in July of 2012 that Ian's life changed when he discovered that his wife of eight years had been sleeping around. Despite being in a better position, his wife destroyed him in the divorce. Over the next year Ian quickly spiraled into alcoholism, eventually ending in a dishonorable discharge when he hospitalized one of the officers that had led to his divorce. With little other prospects Ian found himself in New York in 2014, working for a small security firm ran by a sympathetic army buddy. [b]The day before the bus ride:[/b] "Maybe you should take tomorrow off." Ian looked up with tired eyes from the report he had been reading. He was sitting in Andrew McCaslin's office, discussing the latest client when Andrew had thrown that last part out there. He stared at the other man for an intense moment trying to figure out if he was having doubts about Ian's ability to do the job. It would be the small security firm's biggest client. Their ability to provide their service could make or brake them. He opened his mouth about to say something, but was cut off by Andrew. "I am not saying that I think you are unfit for the job. Just that you got a major bomb dropped on you last week on top of the wreak that was your marriage. If I'd found out that my daughter wasn't mine I would be a mess too. You've been working none stop, going home only to drink yourself to sleep and return here. You can't keep treating yourself like this." "How else should I treat myself." Ian's voice held a bit of bitterness as he looked back down at the file in his hand. He didn't want to meet his friend's gaze because then Ian would be forced to admit that he was right. He'd been avoiding his own reality for much to long, and this last week alone he'd done everything he could t keep his mind numb. There was only so much of that a person in his field could take though before those around him began to suffer too. "Take the weekend off. Go out and see the city, meet new people. Get laid. I don't care. Just do something for yourself and get your rest. We can discuss this client Monday morning." [b]Roleplays In:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/15350/posts/ic]Unlikely Heores[/url]