[@Turboshitter][@Grey] [color=f7941d]"Well yes and no. I am a public school teacher, but only a substitute teacher. I was originally Ryonsuke's, and that girl you heard him mention, Hamakaze's tutor. I've been going from place to place teaching all sorts of kids, and what have you. A few kids in Egypt, a orphan in Kuwait, some poor rich boy in England, and so on and so on. Some had magical potential, some were just poor kids down on their luck, and others just needed a good old fashioned smile. I love Ryunosuke's spirit he'll make a great father one day. He may have been a thug but all he needs now is a few good friends. Hamakaze has a good life ahead of her. Her strength is formidable...if uncultivated. She'll live a long life if she listens to her new friends. And the others Setsuna, and Akihiko are diligent as they are kind. They'll give you the shirts off their backs and or beat you with it if you threaten their comrades."[/color] Kuro said as he pulled his own sleeve up and got up and prepared himself to leave. [color=f7941d]"And I have changed my number, multiple times, if the clocktower professors were in such a hurry to ruin me then they would've kept me pegged. Don't worry I'll send you a text some other time."[/color] Kuro stated as a matter of factually as he began to turn around however he stopped and reached into his pocket. [color=f7941d]"This belongs to you by the way. Please don't try to track my students. That is a warning."[/color] Kuro stated flatly despite himself. He handed Albert his rat back with a cold chuck of his hand. When, and how he got the rat away from Ryunosuke was unknown. [color=f7941d]"You remember my vindictive streak when it came to my children yes? How I punished those who hurt them? I extend the same to you, and the others whom I teach and I will save one even if another threatens them."[/color] Kuro stated to Albert with a quick one eighty and he exited the building before much else could happen. At the very least he would have no luck bugging any of the students when Kuro was still around and even less so if he began doing checks on them. The man exited the building as quickly as he had appeared and vanished into the crowd like a whisper on the wind. It wouldn't be too hard to find him though. ==== Leon began to wonder how long it would take them to find that Jonathan guy he was pretty ok for an old guy but he still didn't appear to be much more than he already was. Leon kept himself aware however despite his introspection on how he should present himself to Jonathan. He could tell if someone was following him, or trying to pick his pocket which had happened a few times already. The damn Yakuza were a pain in his ass. Luckily he had a supernatural juggernaut who could bulldoze a steel crate. Leon's own self pride in his magical talents were not weak he could tell a lot about an enemy mage just by their stance. The duels in Chicago, the melees in Idaho, and the mage training sessions with his father let him be aware of more things than others. Still he had some ways to go. However as Leon began to pass through the street Saber grabbed him by the shoulder. He turned around to look at him and raised an eyebrow, [color=00a651]"Feel something?[/color] Leon whispered at Saber whom nodded his head and looked around. [color=bc8dbf]"An heroic spirit somewhere nearby...does this place look familiar?"[/color] Saber asked as he looked around and saw the sign labelled Ahnenerbe. He then got a sinking feeling in his gut that he had indeed taken the wrong path towards Jonathan and he may have wandered into a place he hadn't meant to be. [color=00a651]"What should we do? I didn't intend to come here but this is where that 'Squid Prince' Togami knew about told us to meet at the other day. Should we ignore it?"[/color] Leon asked in a whisper as Saber shook his head the curly brown hair of his tossing to the sides as he did so. [color=bc8dbf]"No...I don't think we should maybe we should give him a shot. Maybe he'll make a good ally despite his described attitude the other day. If it comes to it there's too many people around to fight properly. I don't see anyone suspicious give me a moment I need to concentrate for a moment. If they're honorable they will come find us, I'll let my aura leak to broadcast myself, and if they're not then they should give themselves away in just a moment."[/color] Saber said as he pulled Leon to the edge of the sidewalk and breathed out letting his mana signal to everyone nearby that could feel it that there was another heroic spirit nearby. He was confident in his ability to defeat this 'Albert', and his pet servant if they chose to fight him. Still it would be best not to broadcast who he was just yet if he could help it.