[center][h2][b][u][color=0054a6]The PRT Building[/color][/u][/b][/h2][/center] Overlook nodded as he exited the room, saying thank you as he wheeled through the closed door. He soon entered his room, again thanking Eva for the help getting to the room and helping him out earlier. Immediately, Overlook laid down his bag on the bed and he began to do something completely sane... [color=8882be][b]"...OK so I gotta do it. The Eye is a bit limited in what it could do... I mean I could upgrade it and make it better... no you have to do this Ruben. The Eye needs a bit of retirement... we can upgrade it. We can do it you know. I know I can but I just need the motivation... No we need a way to fight. A way to strike back and keep ourselves from being defenseless... the Eye can fulfill that role. What would it think if you were to abandon it... We wouldn't be abandoning it. We would be incorporating it in the new robot. Good idea? Yep. Thanks for agreeing me. No problem me. Ok I need paper, pencils, and robot parts... time to attempt requesting."[/b][/color] And with that rather quick session of talking to himself, summarized for the reader so they wouldn't be confused as badly by the whole thing, Ruben went to the computer nearby and requested pencils, paper, and stuff to build robots with. From the tools to the parts to the oil, he needed it all if he was gonna try and build this thing. [hr][color=39b54a][center][h3]Farce's Apartment[/h3][/center][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Be seeing you, ya clown!"[/b][/color] yelled Gaia as the lambo drove away. Despite everything weird that just happened, Gaia was home safely and she had a surprising amount of fun with it all when you look past the near death experiences she had witnessed. There was still the best part of it all, Gaia thought when she was stepping into her apartment... [color=fff200][b]"We got some more intel on the trafficking here in Denver!"[/b][/color] [i][color=00a99d]"This was a surprising haul too. We just gotta figure out how it connects."[/color][/i] The apartment of the twins was surprisingly well-furnished. It had an office where copious amounts of intel was pinned to the wall with multicolor lines of yarn being extended between the various different pieces. It had a few amenities, including a computer and TV, as well as a table with 4 chairs surrounding it. It was rather modest, but it suited the twins, and each of the two had a bedroom with a certain essence of them to each. Dunn's room had a bunch of smaller trinkets and police-like items around it, and Gaia's room was incredibly messy with underwear everywhere it seemed. It suited them. Currently though, after eating a good bit of food, Gaia (and Dunn) stood in front of the intel wall and began thinking about what was exactly going on in Denver... [hr][sub][sup][@Eklispe][/sup][/sub]