[center][h2]The Beginning of Zamak's Ruin...?[/h2] - Roxanne ([@Shadeflare123]), Novis ([@Sen]), Aiden ([@Deos Morran])[/center][hr] The woman researcher put down her pen as the Yamask entered the cave, a mixed expression of concern and intrigue still fresh on her face as she began to recall what has transpired already. She remembered the start of what she thought would have been the same old same old, having sighed as the tourists once more began to pour into the area. The day had hardly started, and already the place had became filled with a crowd. That was to be expected, and she was prepared for the most part to express her own interests in the ruins, just like the others would as well. She had glanced back to them as they too began the normal routine, making sure to go into the ruins before the tourists so that they could get some work done. And, even if it wasn't as packed as other days, there never seemed to be an off period for them, at least not in these past weeks. Though today, she had decided to stay behind with a small group of the scientists and researchers, partially because she was somewhat lazy, but also because today was the predicted day her an interesting specimen would most likely make his appearance. She had recorded his patterns before, and so she felt fairly confident that he would do something with the tourists today. It was rather intriguing, really, even if his actions weren't exactly the most helpful. Still, she was curious to his resolve and as to what, and as such, she made sure to keep a steady eye for the ghost Pokemon. What would he take today, and more importantly, for what purpose? Though, as she had went to grab her notebook and pen from a nearby desk, along with a cup of coffee, she recalled how dozens of tourists and reseachers poured [b]out[/b] of the ruin's entrance, clearly in disarray and shock over something. It had caused her to hastily make her way towards one of her colleagues, to which she could clearly see the concern spread across her friend's face. "What's wrong? It's hardly past noon, you guys shouldn't be out yet." "T-There's people in there, t-they-" "Slow down... tell me what's going on." "I-I don't know. They chased us out. They were doing they're own research of some kind... B-But, it could ruin the ruins if it keeps up." "What do you mean ruin the ruins? ... [i]Today has been so stressful... I really should have brought more snacks for days like this.[/i] The sound of a young kid's voice snapped her back into reality, the person from whom it was coming from knocking down her clipboard. She was thankful to have a good grip on it, lest these notes would have been scattered and dirty... Not to mention her recent observations... Though, when she got over the initial shock and listened to the boy's tale. So... This was the Yamask's victims, huh? It made her slightly curious as to what it stole, but that wasn't important right now, at least not to her. "I'm sorry trainers, but," she paused, looking at the guarded entrance to the ruins, along with rather upset tourists walking away from it before returning her focus to them, "I'm afraid I can't allow you to go into the ruins after him. We're... dealing with a rather large situation that... Well, I really shouldn't tell you..." She said in a worried tone, her gaze constantly shifting towards the ruins and back to them. "But... we could use all the help we can get if we want to preserve the ruins for further research... But are they skilled enough?" She whispered to herself, though the trio could clearly hear what she was saying...