[i] The Scarlet Crusade, once known for it's hatred towards the undead and it's zealotry is but a shade of it's former self. Constant battles against the Undead and various attacks by other organizations has left the Crusade near defeat. Once sure of the righteousness of their cause, the Crusade is now torn between those who continue to seek the destruction of the undead and those who have finally seen the truth: That the current threat of the Burning Legion is far more dangerous then the undead. High Commander Michael Goodchilde leads the faction that still seeks the complete destruction of the undead and will kill anyone who stands in his way. Many of his followers are highly trained veterans of the Scarlet Crusade and share his lack of mercy towards those who stand in their way or try to flee the crusade Commander Dran Veltaz and his followers who seek to leave the crusade and assist the heroes of Azeroth in fighting against the Burning legion are already planning their escape. But what will they find if they manage to escape the Scarlet Crusade? The reputation of the Crusade has been tainted after years of battling against many of the Azeroth factions and the hundreds of murders they have committed against those suspected of carrying the plague of undeath. It's time for Redemption. The Scarlet Rebirth has begun.[/i] So this is an idea I've been working on for quite awhile now. Basically, you'll be playing as a Scarlet Crusader who either joined up freely but now sees the issues with the scarlet crusade or was forced to join for unknown reasons, or you could simply be someone who's life was affected by the crusade at some point in your life. The players will be starting off either on the run or attempting to escape from the Scarlet Monastery to try and reach either the alliance or the Order of the Silver hand to plead their case that they are no longer members of the Crusade and wish to join the battle against the Burning legion. The players who are already on the run aren't far from the Scarlet Monastery and thus will be able to meet up with the other players. Just leave a comment if you think you might like it.