[Hider= Adam Shoji] Name: Adam Shoji Age: 22 Starting Location: Adriana City Rank: Beginner Organization: Appearance: [hider=Ignore Red Eyes, he's the only character I can think of to fit well enough.] [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/s/common/uploaded_files/1442094664-4ee4efc1c8982722e4b7a5cf598ed8b2.jpeg[/img][/hider] Biography: Adam was raised in the lower-middle class of Adriana City- his family earning enough to get by with some amenities, but not overly so. His father was an auto mechanic by trade, and his mother working at the same shop doing all of the paper work. It wasn't too much, but it was enough. Living in the lower level of the city, Adam didn't really interact too much with those in the upper echelon of society, though a nicer vehicle did come through the shop once in a while. As a child, Adam would constantly be playing with the wild and stray Pokemon living in the area, Pichu, Poliwhirl, and other species that happened to thrive in a human-dominated environment. With his parents' work, Adam felt a bias forming toward electric-types, with their abilities to help around the shop and surrounding areas. At 18, Adam enrolled in a trade school, earning his certification to follow in his father's footsteps in under three years. After another year of work, he had saved up enough money to be free from his home- to go chase his dream of exploring the world. Personality: Adam is overall a rather carefree individual. Or so he likes to think he is. The young man is a little snide on the outside, sarcasm ready to start up at any second. He likes to poke fun at people, not hoping to offend or make someone hyperaware of something, just lighthearted joking. He learns pretty quickly about that kind of stuff- he knows what not to say around who, and exactly what to say around others. That said, if someone got on his bad side, that'd flip back pretty quickly- he'd know what to say to thoroughly rustle some jimmies. Adam has a decent ability to make plans for himself, however, these are quite susceptible to random changes, somewhat on an impulse. Chasing that Metang for 2 weeks? Or going to go chase that Magnemite? Which one is more likely to succeed quicker? That's what really controls those decisions: time, effort, and likeliness to be a victory for Team Shoji. Inventory: Something coming soon! Pokemon Party: [/hider]