[center][h3][color=6ecff6]K I S E K I[/color][/h3] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/00/06/d0/0006d096ecfb9c9f82bb025ccc320f09.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Name: Kiseki Hanabashi Age: 17 Description: Kiseki stands around 5 foot 2. Though small, he has quite an athletic body that is suited for a runner. He has dark hair, bordering black but seems to shine brown when under the presence of sunlight. His eyes are a bright azure blue that shines with faked innocence. He typically wears a sweater over his shirt, jogging pants and a pair of rubber shoes. He only carries a [url=http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/z/0OIAAMXQlgtS-rEy/$_3.JPG?set_id=2]sling bag[/url] that is filled with food and water. Personality: Kiseki hides under the guise of a shy and innocent boy. Thanks to his appearance, he can pull that off. He tends to stutter when speaking to others and doesn't seem to have an opinion himself so he only goes with the flow. However, he does know a lot of things. Thanks to his years of experience in thievery, he has built-in alarms for danger. That feeling one would get from another person. He tends to be very jittery and jumps at even the smallest of sounds. Background: Kiseki had grown up in Japan to a very poor family. He lived in the slums and had to go on for days without food at times. Both of his parents were hard workers but with little educational background, the just couldn't make the money to both feed the family of three and put Kiseki in school. So Kiseki grew up without education and was instead put into the mercy of the streets. At a young age, he has learned how to steal without getting caught and a year later, learned how to lockpick. He had been going with a small group with only five members including him. They pulled heist after heist and he managed to feed his family without telling his parents what he was doing. He was only eight years old when this happened. A year later, his parents were caught in an accident in the factory which cost them their lives. They had perished in the fire and left their son, a nine years old boy, alone. Kiseki started living with one of his group mates who was just as poor as him, but his parents took pity on the boy and decided to take him in. When he was ten years old, something unexpected had happened. In one of their heists, he had been caught by three master of the house. Instead if turning him in, the old man and he had a very long discussion - against Kiseki's will of course. After the discussion, Kiseki had decided to stay with the old man. Apparently, he was frail and was just looking for someone to take care of him. The caretaker would get most of his fortune as he didn't seem to have a family. Kiseki stopped his illegal behavior and told this to his group mates. Originally unaccepting of Kiseki's decision, they didn't talk to him. In the meantime, he had been tutored by the old man about what he had to know - even hired a tutor for him. Three months passed and his group mates approached him and said sorry. They finally accepted his decision and said that they could all still be friends... but they wouldn't stop their heists. That was fine by Kiseki. Another month passed and, unfortunately, the old man told him that they had to leave. Kiseki had been unsure what he meant by that but he then continued to explain that they had to leave because of personal reasons. Once more, the boy told his friends sorry and then they left for another country. In this new country, there seemed to have been something different. He had been sent to school by the old man and he had been bullied because of his small height. However, when it came to physical bullying, they couldn't seen to catch him. He grew up as a thief and that meant he had to be fast and had to lose people in his tracks. When he displayed this skill in front of some students, rumors spread and the Track & Field team offered him a position. He was reluctant to accept but when they insisted, he soon accepted and found himself quite skilled in the sport. Thanks to his friends in the club, the bullying stopped and he became quite a Track star. Everything he has done had all crumbled down when the 'apocalypse' started. He wasn't sure how it started but it just did. It started when he was in school. Three of his classmates turned and then started to bite others and then it just built up from there. Gods, Kiseki didn't know what to do. So he ran. He ran back home. He needed to know if the old man was still alright. However, he found out that he wasn't. He had died. No, not turned. Died. He died while Kiseki had been at school. He couldn't believe it. He locked himself inside and hid from the zombies and didn't open up to others in fear that they were also infected. However, his three year old dog, Tanushi, escaped and went into the streets so he resolved to find the dog. Skills: Kiseki is best suited for scouting places as he is a fast runner, has impressive stamina, pretty agile and knows how to lockpick. He can also be used as bait to lure out zombies but he doesn't like that very much. Motivation: Kiseki is looking for his missing dog - [url=https://www.shibas.org/images/blacktanShiba_v02.jpg]Tanushi[/url].