I've had ups and downs with managers, but I've noticed a trend recently where my General Managers just..don't like me. For whatever reason. My last job was my very first serving job. I came in with no serving experience what so ever, but made my case about how my other jobs made me qualified to become a server, how I wanted the experience so I could learn. The manager interviewing me gave me the job the same day because she said she got hired as a server with no experience and knows how hard it is to get started. I was so thankful. However, my first time meeting the GM didn't go well when he said he was skeptical about a new server. I decided to prove him wrong. Went through training and learned and now I like to say I am a pretty damn good server. However, this GM had a grudge to pick with me apparently. He would criticize how I dealt with tables, apologize for my mess-ups constantly, bad mouth me to servers and managers alike, and would just be plain nasty to me. As I was a new server, and pretty young, I didn't know what to do or who to turn to. Co-workers, who stuck up for me, suggested talking to another manager, so I talked to the lady who interviewed me. She said she would find out what's going on. Later, the GM talked to the other managers about wanting to fire me. The other managers stood up for me, saying I was a good server, people liked me, and it would be stupid to fire me for no reason. He didn't like that, but sucked it up. He continued his bad attitude with me. Finally, he got a new job at restaurant just opening up. So on the last day I told him, "Look, I know we had our differences, but let's just get through this day and we won't have to worry about each other anymore." Instead, he decided to be a prick, so when he was all clocked out and I asked him if he was my boss, he told me no. So I smiled at him and said "Fuck you." Needless to say, he was upset. Told the manager who assured him I would be dealt with. Said manager told me to not do that, but said it was pretty awesome how I did that. (Side note, the new restaurant is tanking in business. Serves him right.) My current job is fine, but the GM does NOT know how to run things properly. And she's a huge beeyotch. No one likes her in the restaurant, not even the other managers. Hoping she gets the boot soon and our Assistant GM gets bumped up because he is WAY more qualified to run things. This GM doesn't like me either. Go figure.