[center][h1]Lancer[/h1] [sub]Interacting with [@Grey][/sub][/center] [hr] The light faded, or rather, not so much faded, as condensed into a single shape, the form of a human within the circle. The light shimmered as the Prana being drained from Sosthenes formed it into what he desired, focused by the catalyst. The featureless form became more dense, firmly an outline of a body. Only a few moments later the finer details were added and with one final flash, CĂș Chulainn stood there, armored in blue, with his distinctive red spear in hand, the weapon feeling.... some more dangerous than just a spear. Lancer took in the area with a sweep before focusing more intently on his new master, giving the sense of a predator examining potential prey. A well-dressed mage with sharp eyes and the sense of a highly focused individual. [b]"So, you are my master for this war."[/b] He said calmly and twirled his spear experimentally, getting a feel for his power in this place. Not the best, but he would make it work. Lancer flashed a confident smile the man's way, [b]"So, what's first?"[/b]