[center][h3]York Grevillia Amalgam University[/h3] [@floodtalon] NPC: [@Amaterasu] GM: [@I-Am-X][/center] [color=steelblue]"Oh my"[/color], was all he could comment about the situation. Talonite expressed the desire to get going out of here, but he was more concerned about the sleeping Tyrunt down there, completely oblivious to the whole situation. Professor Jonathan was locked in battle with the crazy rockstar dude, his Flygon against that interestingly coloured Metagross. Even though neither have yet made a move, it felt as if the whole stage at the bottom could be destroyed at any moment. Meanwhile some trainers stepped up to try and challenge the grunts, while most people were trapped in this hall, doorways blocked by the other grunts. [color=steelblue]"Hmmm... Even if you wanted to run, the exits are all held by Arclight members"[/color], he noted, some students had begun to start fighting too in fact. [color=steelblue]"It's an even fight down there too. Maybe if we cut the head of the snake, everything else should fall apart for them. Let's find some door saying employees or staff only"[/color], he clued Talonite in on his idea. Right, get backstage, and then get the jump on that rockstar guy. Somehow. There must be some way. If they can just tip the scales just enough, they should be able to swing this in their favor. On that suggestion if agreed, the two would find such an exit, with the commotion, they should be able to slip in uncontested.