[center] [h1][b]Amalgam University[/b][/h1] [/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki] [@floodtalon] [b]NPC[/b]: [@Amaterasu][/center] Agreeing with York's suggestion to go after what appeared to be the leader, Talonite followed York, with Claire following after them, to search for for an exit. Just managed to find one, they were cut off by two Arclight members. However, these faces seemed quite familiar to them. Standing before them was a [url=http://i.imgur.com/xkxRo9a.jpg]tall girl[/url] with shoulder length spiked red hair with an accompanying smug look and a slightly [url=http://i.imgur.com/H0oT7WX.jpg]shorter [b]boy[/b][/url] with blonde hair and blue eyes. If they took a moment, they'd realize that they were the two people in lab coats that bumped into by the Library entrance. Though, it seems York and Talonite were the first to notice while Claire, who trailed behind them, was too focused on catching up to the 2 young trainers. While York and Talonite stopped a comfortable staring distance away, Claire had a hard time putting on the breaks and barrelled past them. Before the two grunts were able to get a word out, Claire ran straight into the blonde boy, creating an awkward silence in the air. The boy extended a hand to her, helping her up and just before she got a good look at him and got a word out, he captured her. Ruari looked on with a mystified expression on her face before coughing and speaking up. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Well, well, well. Reunited for a few seconds and already getting up close and personal. So kids, how'd you like the fossil revival? Works great, right? Don't worry, we'll put that machine to good use. As for Boss," referring to the rocker dude "Well, you might as well give up. You're just wasting your time!"[/b][/color] she laughed as she took out her pokeball, sending out a [url=http://www.serebii.net/art/th/447.png]Riolu[/url]. Once Fionn was able to tie up Claire, he too took out a pokeball and sent his pokemon out, a [url=http://www.serebii.net/art/th/443.png]Gible[/url]. [hr] [center] [h1][b]Amalgam University Entrance ---> Hallway[/b][/h1] [/center] [center] [@alexfangtalon] [/center] Walking around in hopes of finding someone that would help her, she noticed that something was......off. There was nobody by the entrance, no security guards, no one. Finding that odd, she continued walking until she reached the stairs where she saw a [url=http://i.imgur.com/wjmDBDY.jpg]man in black [/url]with his back turned shouting what seemed like instructions to others in similar uniforms. Deciding to ask him what was going on, Sadie called out for him. [b]"Hey, I told you to head towards the L--"[/b] He began before cutting himself off as he turned around and looked at her, with the Team Arclight emblem on display. [b]"You! Get over here! Stop!!"[/b] he called out to Sadie before she took off up the stairs with him chasing her from behind. After running around for a bit, she finally managed to lose him. When she decided she was safe, she stopped for a much needed breather. Taking a few moments to rest, she looked around and found herself in one of the hallways that lead towards the lab. Deciding to head in that direction, she made to move, however, found herself running into another Arclight grunt. This, however, was a female grunt and she already had her hand on a pokeball, sending out a [url=http://www.serebii.net/art/th/100.png]Voltorb[/url]. It's a battle.