Feeling something smash into his back, Crotalus pivots around to see what's attacking him and takes the kick to his chest. [color=662d91]Interesting contact, well placed, decent power. Feign stumble back.[/color] Seeing the boy standing there stomping the staff, noting the other boy standing next to him and hearing the comment about close and far combat. [color=39b54a]There seems to be some distortion on the wall, moving in separate directions, interestin, must have been someone in the hoe after all. Noted.[/color]Crotalus muses quietly. Keeping a natural look on his face, a slight friendly smile with slightly raised eyebrows, he springs, seeming to blur, flipping over the two boys, landing just behind them in a crouch and sweeping a leg low to the ground to sweep their feet out from under them. As they stary to fall he grabs the back of their belts and as he stands jerks them behind him, sucking the radiation out of them. As they fly behind him, Crotalus stands at ease, watching them fly into the wall 10 feet away. [color=0076a3]"My friends, I am curios what you can accomplish as one." [/color]Crotalus states in a warm voice, his facial expression never changing.