[center][h1][color=lightcoral]𝕃 π•š 𝕝 π•š 𝕒 π•Ÿ π•Ÿ 𝕒 𝔹 𝕣 𝕒 π•Ÿ 𝕕 π•₯[/color][/h1] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/47939857/superthumb.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=silver]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. πŸ›, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / π•Œπ•Šπ”Έβ„π•€π•ƒβ„• 𝔼𝕒𝕀π•₯ β„‚π•’π•žπ•‘π•¦π•€ - π•†π•Ÿ π•₯𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕒π•ͺ π•“π•’π•”π•œ π•₯𝕠 π•₯𝕙𝕖 π••π• π•£π•ž / / πŸšπŸ›πŸ›πŸ˜[/color][/center][hr] Lily made her way back to her dorm room, lost in thought as usual. Her mind was filled with the faceless golden haired boy, the battle they had just luckily survived, the Precursor who had healed everyone, the irony taste of blood, the pink haired boy who made crystals, the monsters that they had dealt with, the dead students and that excruciating pain from taking too much injuries she can handle. She tripped thrice but luckily caught herself before she fell flat on her face and ran into walls and people a couple of times. It didn't really bother her, being this clumsy, being this absentminded. Nobody else seemed to mind. Well, almost nobody... [color=f7976a]"Hey, kid! Watch where you're going!"[/color] An angry male voice exclaimed when Lily once again ran into someone. [color=lightcoral]"Hmmm?"[/color] the small golden haired girl looked up at the irritated, glaring face of a USARILN guard. As soon as the guard saw the X mark on Lily's neck, he automatically raised his rifle and pointed it at her. [color=f7976a]"It's way past your curfew, Subnatural. Head on straight to your dorm,"[/color] he said in a stern voice, probably desperate to hide the nervousness he felt in encountering an Aberration. They were all like that. [color=lightcoral]"I was just heading back there from the ho---"[/color] Lily stopped short as a scent caught her attention. She sniffed the air and then perked up. She felt her tummy rumble. She held out a small hand to the towering guard. [color=lightcoral]"You have a donut. Hand it over. I'm hungry,"[/color] she said in a sing song voice. [color=f7976a]"Wha---? Didn't you hear what I said?"[/color] The guard wasn't thrilled to be dealing with Aberrations longer than he should be. He gestured with his rifle towards the general direction of the dorm building. [color=f7976a]"Get going."[/color] Lily shook her head and stood her ground, he hand still outstretched towards him. And thus, started the staring battle between student and guard. Both stood there for a few minutes, both refusing to back down. Finally, the little girl gave him a [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-qPZrDt3cLLc/T3NGAYqrdNI/AAAAAAAADU4/NwPJwJgZPoQ/s1600/Shinobu.jpg]look[/url] as she glanced towards the his back pocket. [color=lightcoral]"Donut."[/color] She bounced on the balls of her feet. The look was enough to make the guard almost take a step back. Realizing that it would probably be easier to just hand the damn fried dough over than forcefully shove her all the way back to her dorm, he reached back and took the small paper bag he had brought with him. [color=f7976a]"What the hell are you? Some sort of food sniffing hound? Here. Take it and get back to your dorm."[/color] His eyes flicked towards the X on her neck again. [color=f7976a]"Now."[/color] [color=lightcoral]"Hee. Thanks,"[/color] Lily cheerfully grabbed the paper bag, turned and skipped towards her dorm. The guard stared after Lily, letting out a relieved sigh. The look the small girl had given him gave him the creeps and he was glad that his encounter with her was finally over. He just hoped that she didn't make any other side trips. He didn't really want to deal with her more than he already did. [hr][center][color=silver]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. πŸ› - 𝟜, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / π•Œπ•Šπ”Έβ„π•€π•ƒβ„• 𝔼𝕒𝕀π•₯ / / π”»π• π•£π•ž π”Ήπ•¦π•šπ•π••π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜ 𝔹: π•Šπ•¦π•šπ•₯𝕖 𝟚𝟘𝟘 / / 𝕃𝕒π•₯𝕖 π•Ÿπ•šπ•˜π•™π•₯ π•₯𝕠 π•₯𝕙𝕖 π•Ÿπ•–π•©π•₯ 𝕕𝕒π•ͺ[/color][/center][hr] As soon as she was back on her room, Lily turned her attention to the stack of papers on her desk. She sighed. She never really liked paperwork and on hind sight, was actually a little glad for the battle that had happened earlier. It was, in a way, a sort of excuse not to work on the tedious exams. A morbid excuse but nevertheless an excuse. Of course, now was a different story. She still didn't know why they would give placement exams to a girl who had no idea what her real name was, much less remember how to answer a calculus question. Does the equation y[sup]2[/sup] + x = 1 represents a function y in terms of x? What does that even mean? [color=lightcoral]"I suppose I would have been saved from this if I had died,"[/color] she mumbled, this time glancing at the small paper bag she held in her hand. If she died, it would mean not being able to eat any more donuts. [color=lightcoral][i]Well, that would be really sad...[/i][/color] She peeked into the bag and was pleased to find a chocolate butternut ring inside. She immediately took the donut out and [url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/8b50bc426efd065f9c10aade202c6b55/tumblr_nb5xagIkUU1timq39o1_500.gif]happily devoured it[/url]. Happy with what she ate, she turned to her paperwork, ready to work on them. But before she could sit on the chair, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the small mirror that sat on the table. She looked down at her torn and bloodied clothes. [color=lightcoral][i]I should shower and change first.[/i][/color] She nodded and then walked towards her small closet, pulling out whatever touched her fingertips first. She headed to the communal showers, humming a soft tune as she did. She continued humming happily as she cleaned herself, her mind filled with images of her [url=http://sweets.seriouseats.com/images/2013/08/20130809-ikumimama-animal-doughnuts.jpg]favorite treat[/url]. It was a rare thing for her mind to be occupied by things other than her stigma and for a moment, she looked like a normal cheerful girl. It was, however, short lived. As she turned off the showers, harsh words began filling her head. Faceless people pointed accusing fingers at her. She quickly toweled her hair dry, put on clothes and rushed towards the door of the bathroom as if hurrying away would leave behind the thoughts that had started to invade her mind. [i]You'll kill us all. You...you're a menace.[/i] [color=lightcoral][i]I am, aren't I? A useless healer that hurts people instead.[/i][/color] The dark haired man lying face down on the floor flashed through her mind, causing her to collide on the bathroom door. The small blonde let out a surprisingly loud expletive that probably sounded strange coming from someone her size. She reached up and rubbed her forehead where she hit the door and then opened it with a huff. She really need to pay more attention to where she was going. But even with that thought, her mind began wandering off in another direction again. [color=lightcoral][i]But I did some good in that battle, at least. Maybe even made some friends.[/i][/color] [i]Some friend you are, trying to blow up a team mate with your poorly aimed grenade.[/i] Lily gasped as the image of the blonde haired boy formed in her head. Was he the one saying all those harsh words? His face was still cloudy but his lips were strangely clear. It had a sneer on it. Was he just an imagination borne out of the trauma she had gone through earlier? Imagination or not, the faceless boy was right. How could anyone think of her as a friend when she obviously botched everything on the battlefield. Her feet carried her back to her room as her mind tried to find another redeeming act to wipe that mocking look on the boy's lips. [color=lightcoral][i]But I was able to help heal people...[/i][/color] In her mind's eye, the man lying face down on the ground in a pool of his blood looked up. The same sneer was on his lips despite the rest of his face being blurred still. [i]Healing by taking their injuries onto your body? You think anyone wants to hear you scream out in pain? You think that would make you likable? Make them thankful? They pity you. That's all you'll ever get.[/i] As soon as the supposedly dead man finished speaking, he slumped back down onto the ground and was again still. [color=lightcoral][i]But I... But I...[/i][/color] Lily's hand shook as she pushed the door to her dorm room open. As soon as she stepped in, she hung her head low in defeat. The door clicked close behind her. With a heavy heart, a very very depressed mood and a strong reluctance, she sat down on the chair and stared at the stack of papers. The acquisition form was sticking out. It had only two words on it. [i]More Donuts.[/i] She stared at it for a long time. In her manic mood, she would have thought of a lot more stuff to write on it. A teddy bear maybe, fluffy towels, a TV, a cute night light that projected small stars onto the ceiling, a camera, a cellphone... So many things. But her present mood didn't want any of those. There were only two things she wanted at the moment. And these two things she scribbled on the request sheet. [color=lightcoral][i]My memories.[/i][/color] [color=lightcoral][i]Sebastian.[/i][/color] She stared at what she wrote for almost half an hour, as if to ascertain that it was what she wanted. She didn't really know. She didn't even know who Sebastian was or if getting her memories back would somehow make her feel better. With no real conclusions, she shrugged and put the paper aside. Maybe she'd look at it again later on and perhaps write a bit more stuff in. With a sigh and a confused mind, she slowly, slowly went through the papers that was stacked on the table. She encircled the best answers she could think of... or guess at. With very slow progress, she didn't even realize that she had worked through the night and into the day. A rumbling tummy and a dry mouth were the only things that made her realize that she had skipped breakfast and lunch the next day. With tiredness and sleepiness apparent on her face, she got up and trudged towards the cafeteria. If she saw anyone in the cafeteria, she didn't really notice them as her mind was plagued by questions of how she lost her memories and why. Distracted as always, she took only a sandwich and a bottle of water. Without lifting her head, she headed back towards her room, mumbling sorry to people she ran into. Back in her room, she ate her measly dinner and then crashed onto her bed. She was asleep even before her head hit the pillow. It would have been nice if she had nice dreams. Maybe a peaceful field of flowers with fluffy bunnies hopping around and colorful butterflies flitting by. But her dreams were as unforgiving as her thoughts during her waking moments. Faceless people crowded around her, spitting, yelling, accusing. No matter how hard she tried to see their faces and why they were so angry, she just couldn't remember. In the end, she felt that familiar need to hurt them, to completely erase them from her head, blur them the way their faces were blurred so that they could no longer bother her. [hr][center][color=silver]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. 𝟝, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / π•Œπ•Šπ”Έβ„π•€π•ƒβ„• 𝔼𝕒𝕀π•₯ β„‚π•’π•žπ•‘π•¦π•€ / / π•„π• π•£π•Ÿπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜[/color][/center][hr] Lily woke up the next day feeling more tired as she had been before she went to bed. The same questions echoed over and over in her mind. [color=lightcoral][i]Who am I? Why am I here? How did I become what I am? What choice did I make? Why did I choose to be an X? Who are the faceless people? Why do they all hate me? Do they hate me because I chose what I did? Who is Sebastian? Where is he? Why does his name keep popping into my head when I don't even know who he is?[/i][/color] The questions didn't help at all with her mood. Attired in a simple, white dress and armed with the stack of papers, she made her way to the Registrar's Office. One step in front of the other. And then another...It seemed like it would take forever, each step punctuated with unkind words muttered in her head. [i]Useless.[/i] [i]Freak.[/i] [i]Forgotten.[/i] [i]Friendless.[/i] It was as if the words were on a continuous loop, playing over and over in her head and making her feel more and more depressed. [i]Killer.[/i] That last word. Killer? Who did she kill? The image of the dark haired man came to mind and Lily almost walked into a tree. She blinked, her nose only a few inches from the rough wood. Several people stared at her, some actually snickered. But she was oblivious to it all as she sidestepped the tree, her eyes widening at the sudden realization. [color=lightcoral][i]Did I... kill that man? What sort of person was I before I came here?[/i][/color] she asked herself. But there were no answers. Only the merciless words. One step in front of the other. Until finally, she was in the Registrar's Office. There were no words exchanged. Lily merely submitted her paperwork, stood there and waited to be dismissed. The woman behind the desk who entertained her studied her, her eyes flicking towards the X on the base of her throat. She gave the girl the same look the guard she had took the donut from gave her. The look didn't escape Lily's notice. But it didn't really matter. Everyone in this place probably looked at her the way the woman did. When told to go, she nodded and turned away, walking back on the same path she took on her way there and then veering off to the general direction of the Gym. One step in front of the other. Until she found herself back n the Track and Field. She stopped as she saw two dark haired boys there. One was tall and gangly while the other one was slightly shorter. No matter their height difference, both were towering giants to Lily. She stood there for a moment, watching them. Should she walk towards them and maybe start a conversation? No... Her mood was off today and she didn't really feel like socializing. [color=lightcoral][i]I'm sure they won't want me to interfere with them,[/i][/color] she thought glumly as she climbed up the bleachers and sat there. She stared at the track, trying to get her mind off of things she didn't understand nor have any hopes of understanding. [color=lightcoral]"Maybe if I trained the way the others students are doing then maybe that'd help...take my mind off things and...maybe let me find something to work towards. Maybe then will I be useful in battle,"[/color] she said softly, her mind bringing up memories on her failed throw. At that thought, Marcus came to mind. Maybe going off to find him would help. He did say that they made a good team. But did that mean that he'd want to talk to her? She watched a girl trip and skin her knee on the ground. It didn't look funny but everyone seemed to find it funny when it happened to her. Her thoughts abruptly turned to Angelique and Callan, two people who showed some concern for her when she woke up in the hospital. It did her heart good to remember them. And she thought it would be nice to run into them again. Maybe she should...[color=lightcoral][i]No. I'd probably be just a nuisance to them.[/i][/color] This time she didn't need any of the people in her head telling her that she'd be unwanted. The golden eyed girl strained to steer her erratic thoughts back to her original musings. [i]Training.[/i] [color=lightcoral][i]Yes, training. I should, maybe... wait. How will I do that? Practice my skills? But then I'd need to hurt someone to practice. Hurt myself then hurt someone... or the other way around. T-that won't work at all.[/I][/color] But even as she thought that, she couldn't deny that there was that strange pull, that irresistible temptation to make someone feel the pain she felt. Maybe her confusion can be transferred too. [color=lightcoral][i]Now, that's an interesting concept.[/i][/color] The edges of her lips twitched and curved up into a grin. After a moment, she shook her head to clear it. [color=lightcoral][i]Strange thoughts. I should keep that out of my head.[/i][/color] The thought of practicing, training and even seeking out possible friends all flew out of her head, her train of thought obviously running on a completely different track. She didn't bother the two boys as she got up and wandered off again. Eventually, she found herself in the pool where she did laps with several students she didn't know. It took effort to match their pace, her being the smallest there. But like everything else, she didn't mind as her thoughts drifted off again to things she wasn't sure she'll ever figure out. [hider=OOC] Sept. 6 and 7 post to follow tomorrow. [/hider]