[quote=@Disciple Cain] You'd have way more luck pitching this on your realm's forums than here in RoleplayerGuild. WAY more. I can guarantee there would be a bunch of people that would love to run a story like this. Outside of forum play-by-post. Because you could actually complete a story arc in a feasible amount of time rather than drag on for a month, get stuck on one guy who won't post anymore, and then drop the roleplay because everyone got lethargic and shambled off to the next flavor of the month. But if you're not active enough to justify running a guild/group that does that sorta stuff then, good luck to you. [/quote] I'm a little unfamiliar with WOW website to be honest and didn't even know the realms had forums until now. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. If it doesn't take off here, I'll try it on the WOW forum.