Well, a bit closer to the present moment, I feel like there's a distinct lack of ... plot and urgency right now. x3 We need to step up a notch, blow something up or something. Also, it's occurred to me that since Rue wants to go home, she has no reason to run away from the scientists -- unless she's accidentally running from them by unintentionally hopping dimensions, in which case, ha! Maybe this Simon guy would like to lock Rue up in a cage and show her off to the public -- but for all her appearances she doesn't look all that weird. Not as weird (at first glance) as the lizard-lady, for example. So I'm not sure how much that idea would work. But still, urgency. I have to be honest, I'm not feeling the motivation, and I'm not sure where to go here. Unless you have some kind of plotty idea, I think we might do better to simply skip the circus altogether. It sounded interesting at first, but I have no idea what to do with it. XD