[b]Amalgam University[/b] [@floodtalon] [hider=Battle!][Center][h2]Arclight Grunt Wants to Battle![/h2][/center] The Arclient Grunts split up and Leo followed one of them to a less chaotic area. The grunt threw out a Pokeball and released Bergmite to combat the Gible. "Keep an eye on it, Gira." Before following the grunt, Leo made sure to leave Gira and Frig behind to watch over the machine while they had their battle. Nothing could get past those two! Leo could tell that the opposing pokemon was an ice type, no pokedex necessary. They'd have to end this one quick. "Nado, Sand Attack!" Nado dug his fingers into the ground and launched sand right at the Bergmite's face. Where the sand came from...he wasn't sure. The sand used in the Sand-Attack was actually splinters of wood, which was especially irritating to the eyes as Bergmite quickly found out. It threw out a blast of Icy Wind in response, but it would likely miss if Gible even tried to dodge. "Nado, dodge." Leo was awfully calm as he commanded his partner. Almost as if he no longer saw the Bergmite as a threat. Nado dodged with no issue and seemed surprised that it could be that easy. "Dragon Rage." A blue fire formed in Nado's mouth and shot out at the Bergmite with great speed. The Dragon Rage hit spot on, a cloud of dust obscuring whether or not the Bergmite had fainted. The dust began to settle when it suddenly all blew away as the Bergmite released one last blast of Icy Wind before fainting. The grunt recalled Bergmite and sent out Magnemite to follow up. "Nado!" The Icy Wind had come out of nowhere and caught the Gible by surprise. It was a far too effective move for the Gible to endure. Nado was down and Leo was forced to return him to his pokeball. "You did good, Nado. Get some rest." With that, Leo's next move was to send out his Croagunk. "Croagunk, Taunt!" The Croagunk turned around and smacked its rear as an appropriate taunt to stop the enemy from using anything other than attacking moves. It was a simple precaution against Thunder Wave. The Magnemite narrowed it's eye and visibly got angrier as it released a strange Sonic Boom at Croagunk. The Sonic Boom hit the Croagunk dead on and caused it to cry out in pain. Its eyes squinted in anger. "Mud Slap!" The Croagunk slid its hands across the ground and threw mud at the Magnemite. The mud, again, coming from some unknown area. Hopefully, it would hit and lower the accuracy of the opponent. The Mud Slap hit quite hard actually, but Magnemite survived because of how Sturdy it was, ready for one more attack. The grunt recognized it's accuracy was lowered so he ordered it to use Magnet Bomb, which couldn't miss at all. The Croagunk barely held on after taking the Magnet Bomb, but could still fight on to deliver one last move. One more move would finish it off. "One last time, Mud Slap!" Exerting all of its energy, Croagunk launched another stream of mud at the Magnemite. The Magnemite fainted as well, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. The Arclight Grunt returned the Pokemon to its ball and ran away swiftly, quickly lost in the confusion.[/hider] "Gira!" Leo returned Croagunk to his pokeball and rushed back to the Girafarig. His hard thumping heart was put at ease when he saw that both it and the Fossil Machine were in tip top shape. Although, he noticed a few astounded glances from students and invaders alike over the absurd length of its neck. Croagunk was nearly collapsed. Nado was down for the count. Gira was busy guarding the Fossil Machine. All he had left to really use was Bee. He sent her out with a launch of her pokeball. Bee came out with an extra determined version of her usual cry while Leo looked around for any signs of grunts trying to move in on the Fossil Machine.