"Yes! Water! I prefer mine from the glaciers of rogunja! If you have none of that left, please give me Florkalsnep Juice" "bendy straws?! This technology has been lost to my people for generations" Name: Though his real name is Landar fjorkelsh, he goes by the name of Reginald Baxter, but messes up on that a lot. Appearance: [img]http://api.ning.com/files/JhdzQaMwbsj9uG1HUa4YDV6E9yv5uSpKVWd7gk5xi4lP0iHmhHbc0aejoC4huOtTHwPbdz-P2A51RMNJJJ7YUFpDAKCVfdeL/I__m_Too_Sexy_____by_Sixus1.jpg[/img] but with a pair of Groucho glasses on and the clothing of a scientist on. Personality: Landar is extremely uptight, attempting so desperately to act like a normal human, which he totally is trust me, totally. He is very mysterious in his history and his past, but despite this is extremely pompous, loud and rash. Despite totally 100% being human, he tends to act as if he doesn't know much about the world he is living in as well. Landar does not understand people's sexual restraints, ideals of public decency and what personal space is. He tends to just do what feels right. History: Once an intergalactic spy, Landar ruined any possibility of having a good reputation when he went absolutely apeshit on a species he was supposed to investigate for possible diplomacy after he found all they ate was cereal with no milk. After this, he spiraled out of favor in his job with more and more failed missions. Despite this, he worked hard to show his worth, though never did manage. Because they knew he would never give up but would keep messing up, his boss sent him to earth in order to investigate. The race had very little care for earth anymore, having stolen enough cows and other animals, as well as done test on humans, and had a new livestock of cows for themselves. There was no loss with him there, as the earth had little they needed, but there was a possibility for gain. Taking over the life of a young man who had applied to the APTLLFTS and was accepted. Landar is trying to get any new technology and information he can for his Boss, all while personally trying to adapt. Interesting Physical Traits: Other than being gray, with pure black, huge eyes, and being impossibly skinny, on occasion Landar can move up the skin on his forehead to present a third eye. He also only has three fingers and toes. Items: The Techno-dating scanner: A hand held device that scans a piece of technology for how long ago something similar was made in martial colonies.