[@MysT3CH] Unfortunately I'm going to have to say No to Johnathan Reeves. He explicitly violates my "No Supernatural Hunter" clause in the Magic User section. He is also an invincible Abmortal with the moonscarred ability. That combination is unacceptable since not only is he immortal and invincible but he possess a variety of other supernatural powers. In addition to that the character's abmortality includes powers far beyond simply cheating death, which is unacceptable. The curse also transfers and reverts supernaturals which I'm going to veto immediately as there is next to nothing in this world that will undo a supernatural change. If there were it would be rare, unheard of and the center of a lengthy card related mystery and would be directly related to that supernatural being not a blanket 'removes supernatural status'. The prosthetic limb has no explanation since its not a period piece. It would need some sort of explanation (this is more knit pick since it appears to be there to simply shore up a potential interesting character weakness 'I lost an arm to a Wendigo'.) Overall the character feels like he would have been quickly run out of Job by the combined might of the supernatural communities who would have identified him as an immediate threat given his current state and run him off. In summary the character is unbalanced and needs more work in terms of how he fits into Job. A few knit pick notes: General knowledge of the supernatural is rare, even rarer is knowledge about things like Reapers, angels, demons, and the divine messengers and harbingers of other faiths beyond the judo-christian faith. I left things like angels and demons off the list on purpose as they represent the initiation into some of the ultimate mysteries of the world like: Is there a god? a devil? Vishnu? What about the gods of other mythologies? Crow? Coyote? Ra? Sun Wukong? Thor? Job is purposefully written such questions unanswered though it hints at the fact that there may be more in the world beyond what I have listed. At this time I would prefer to keep it that way. Try again with the character and then let me know Edit: I wanted to go on record that the writing and the general idea behind the character is not BAD inherently. It just seems overly powerful in relation to the nature of the supernatural type and it brings the character into direct conflict with blanketly ALL supernatural in Job. Im off for the next few hours if anyone else has suggestions for edits to MysT3CH's character please feel free to brain storm.