[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Leon & Saber ([@vancexentan])[/center] [center][h2]An internet cafe across the street from Ahnenerbe - 1:50 PM December 2nd, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]"Wha-" Albert received the rat in a daze of confusion, frightened by the sudden shift in Kuro-sensei's mood. "Sensei, zat's not... it was a..." He watched as his former teacher walked away, his back turned to Albert. He frowned. "It was just a practical joke, you stingy old fool!" Albert sat back down, sighing and staring morosely at his squirming, frightened rat. He picked up on the elevated mana leakage almost immediately after Kuro-sensei left, but chose to ignore it, too tired to respond. After a few more minutes, he realized he no longer had that luxury. They were still at it. Worse, they'd cranked up the volume. He was certain now that they meant to be noticed. He groaned, massaging his temples like a man with a headache. "Merde... tu me fatigues, connard. Dégage! T'as pas de couilles, [i]salope!"[/i] He sighed with relief, muscles relaxing as he vented his pent up stress. Cursing in his native tongue felt exquisite. Like wiping his ass with silk. No one here but Berserker would understand him anyway, so that was a sizeable bonus. "Ma chère," he informed her after taking a calming breath. "It appears we 'ave a guest. Unfortunately, ze poor man seems to 'ave forgotten zat 'e needs to RSVP." His annoyance abated somewhat, he looked at the rat familiar that had apparently rubbed Kuro-sensei the wrong way, then considered how he might go about this without totally exposing themselves. Making themselves out to be the more vulnerable party would hardly do for a first introduction. No, if they were that eager to speak with him, they'd have to go through his maître d' first. "I know this 'asn't been a very good day for you so far," he said to the rat he was holding by the tail. "But can I ask a favor of you?" He scribbled the number of their table on a folded up napkin and then gave it to the rat, with the explicit instruction that he eat it as soon as he was sure it had been seen. Scurrying away on four tiny legs before he could be seen by anyone else, the rat found a hole in the wall and squirmed his way out into the alley outside the cafe, his paper treasure safely in hand. The rat followed his master's instructions, locating the source of the immense leakage and then unfolding the napkin with the human scribble he'd been given. He held it aloft in view of the other human and the ghost, squeaking to catch their attention. Albert watched the whole thing through the rat's eyes, ready to pounce the moment their facade of goodwill evaporated and hostility seemed inevitable. [i]Leon and Saber, huh?[/i] he thought. [i]An interesting choice. Ze Saber class possesses reliably excellent Noble Phantasms and is usually pretty well-rounded in terms of stats. Furzermore, 'is Magic Resistance may make up for what ma chère lacks in defense. Zey could be useful as allies. Plus, zis may give me an opportunity to learn more about Saber's weaknesses first'and.[/i] The young Master grinned. [i]Zey'll make excellent blunt instruments if nozing else. Ma chère 'as been [b]itching[/b] to meet someone who loves to fight as much as she does.[/i] The rat returned with their guests in tow no more than a few minutes later. As they approached their booth, Albert got up to let them know he was there, giving them a curt nod before slipping into the seat next to Berserker, leaving half the booth open for Leon and Saber to take a seat. He took a deep breath. "So. It seems you two are ze only ones to dare show zeir faces today," he began. "I was beginning to zink my meeting was a bust. Of course, you've probably already guessed zat I 'ad no intention of actually attending it myself." [/hider]