Interactions: [@Turboshitter][@grey] ==== Leon waited for a moment longer and before long he found himself staring down a rat that came up to him with a note attached to it. He picked up the rat and put it back down after reading the letter. Saber walked up to him and looked over his shoulder as Leon finished reading the note he put it in his pocket, and had Saber cut off his mana leakage. [color=00a651]"Well he's polite if nothing else."[/color] Leon said to Saber idly as he nodded to his master. He was ready to use 'A knight does not die with open hands' if/when he needed to do so. However Saber did inwardly hope that he did not need to do such a thing. Leon, and Saber followed the Rat with no other real choice in the matter aware of their surroundings to make sure the thing did not bring them into some sort of trap. Luckily for Leon it didn't and he wouldn't need to expose the innocent people to magic. Leon, and Saber arrived and took in the setting and Leon inwardly started to wonder if Albert wasn't some closet Otaku. A internet cafe? Only nerds hung out here. Well that and Korean vagabonds from the stories he heard of from Satsuko's family trip to Korea. Lancelot took in the surroundings and as the two of them came up to Albert he welcomed them, in a rather annoying French accent and from what he could gather welcomed them rather nicely. [color=bc8dbf]"Well it is a pleasure to meet you personally Sir Albert. You may call me Saber if it peaks your liking. And too you my lady...I assume you don't recognize me from last night but I remember you. I was at the gate. It is a honor to meet your acquaintance once more."[/color] Saber said as he crossed his arm over his (Fake) suit and bowed to both Albert, and Beserker respectfully. Leon on the other hand just nodded. [color=00a651]"Yeah he's always like that don't mind him. But yeah I, in all honesty, wasn't planning to come here. I was going to meet Jonathan and Saber stopped and said we should try to at least talk to you too Albert. After last night I'm not sure we're particularly compatible as team mates but I wouldn't be living up to my own standards if I didn't at least try to come and meet you. Togami is an ass I'll admit but he oozes confidence, and power. I'm not sure I'd like to fight him myself personally unless it came to it. But that's what Saber's for and I trust him with my life. As I'm sure that you trust..."[/color] Leon said as he glanced at the woman next to Albert reading her class. [color=00a651]...Berserker?"[/color] Leon said a bit confused at first but he decided it'd be best not to ask how she was so calm with a class like that. He chose not to intrude on her privacy anymore than that. [color=00a651]"But yeah I suppose that would be smarter to do so than not considering what happened to Lancer, and that girl from last night. You got the message from Walter right? Assassin isn't playing games. It may be in our best interest to work together regardless of our own personal thoughts on each other."[/color] Leon said smoothly without a hint of malice, or ill intent in his voice. He was being purely professional.