[hider=Evelyn, the Dreamcaller]Name: Evelyn Alias: The Dreamcaller Age: 22 Gender: Female Race: Faerie Class: Wizard Appearance: [hider=Evelyn][img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/5035/th/pre/f/2007/300/d/c/lorwyn_faerie_by_bonnivin.jpg[/img] As a Faerie, it kind of goes without saying that Evelyn is very small, standing at a height of only about four or five inches and weighing less than a pound. Apart from her diminutive stature, Evelyn’s most prominent feature would have to be her silvery wings, which reach past her arms when fully extended and are adorned with a black pattern. Her skin, on the other hand, is colored a bright amethyst purple and adorned with black marks that accent the pattern on her wings. Like many other faeries from her home plane, her hair is also black in color and is long enough to reach down to just past the middle of her back. Usually, she puts some of it into a braid with a variety of accessories while allowing the rest to hang loosely. Though virtually impossible for a person of regular size to see, it is worth mentioning that her eyes are silver in color and that they tend to shimmer metallically, especially when she’s using magic.. For clothing, Evelyn tends to wear dark robes that she accents with colorful threads or other bright accessories, like flower petals. It’s also quite common for her to use a gold thread as a sort of accessory, somehow tying it so that it wraps loosely about her body without restricting her movement. [/hider] Magical Specialty: [hider=Dream magic] Using her dream magic, Evelyn is able to manifest the dreams and nightmares of others into reality in order to fight for her. Upon manifesting an aspect of a dream or nightmare for the first time, Evelyn essentially memorizes the feelings that gave rise to the source of the manifestation, allowing her to summon it again at any point in the future. Evelyn can also absorb the dreams of others, converting them into a sparkling, silvery powder that she stores inside of small crystal vials. While she can consume this powder in order to replenish her energy, she primarily uses it for a variety of magical purposes in combat, like creating a smokescreen or a thread that she can use to trip up her foes.[/hider] Primary Color: Blue Secondary/Tertiary colors: Black Preferred creatures: Faeries and illusions Favorite mechanic/keyword: Cipher Home plane: Lorwyn History: Evelyn was born in Glen Elendra, the faeries’ secretive kingdom on the plane of Lorwyn. Like all faeries in the kingdom, she was tested for innate magical talent shortly after being born, as all faeries who demonstrated significant magical talent needed to be trained before their abilities manifested themselves. Fortunately for Evelyn, the life of a scholarly wizard never bothered her, as it helped to satisfy her desire for knowledge. Unlike in most other cultures, however, the faerie wizards of Lorwyn view learning by exploration and experience to be an important aspect of their adepts’ training, and so Evelyn often found herself studying out and about with several other adepts instead of being cramped up in her room with dozens of dusty old tomes. Unfortunately, life on Lorwyn wasn’t always as idealistic as it seemed. During one particular outing to collect some samples of a flower that they were studying at the time, Evelyn and her clique of other adepts came across an elvish raiding party as they engaged the boggarts that inhabited the small hamlet nearby. The elves, distrusting the members of any other race as usual, began attacking the small group of faeries as well. Before any of the faeries realized what was happening, two of their four were smacked out of the air by the nettlevines that the elves controlled. Before Evelyn could fly away to safety, one of the elves was able to grab her, slowly tightening his hand as if to crush her. That’s when her spark ignited, transporting her away from the danger to a world unknown, which she would later come to learn was a plane known as Shandalar. After spending several months on the plane practicing with her magic, including her newfound ability, Evelyn deciding that she would spend some time traveling from plane to plane, collecting dreams and learning more about the people and places she was encountering. Groups/factions: Patron of the Mourning Mirrodin Establishment Glen Elendra Trinkets/ Inventory: A simple staff and a number of clear crystal vials Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4rGuueC1ls[/url] Other: [/hider] [@MarsAdept] Okay. Here she is. Let me know what you think. :3