[color=ed1c24][b]Berserker[/b][/color] Internet Cafe, 1:53PM Interacting with: [@Turboshitter] Albert Prelati, [@VanceXentan] Lancelot, Leon Winchester [hr] [color=ed1c24]“I was indeed!”[/color] Berserker declared, proudly puffing her chest out. [color=ed1c24]“I had made a point last night of catching up with recent developments in the arts,”[/color] she lifted up her notepad and flipped through the pages. Each page was a well-organized list with space for review under each tick and a heading designating the type of content therein. From what Albert could read, there was quite an eclectic selection of genres and mediums from the 20th century onward. [color=ed1c24]“The young lady manning the front counter was quite helpful in that regard; she directed me towards resources for ‘modern classics’, as she called them. The “googling” covered the rest.” [/color] Berserker reengaged the pen with a distinct click, before speaking again on the film series she’d just completed. [color=ed1c24]“I very much enjoyed it, actually. The overarching redemption story of the Skywalker family was quite...”[/color] She patted her heart, almost about to cry again, it seemed. [color=ed1c24]”A-And the Jedi are remarkably similar to my own order - though bigger. And we do not worship microscopic bugs or preach stoicism. But a story of faith [i]is[/i] a story of faith, I suppose….The quality of their swordplay and effects seems to have degraded by the fourth film, hmm…” [/color]At some point she had stopped talking to Albert and was now simply speaking her thoughts as she recorded them on the pad. This monologue went on until she felt a sudden surge of prana. Berserker stopped dead in her tracks and suddenly turned her head in the direction of the prana radiator. Moments of dead silence passed, before the rat familiar brought back the perpetrator: a Master and his Servant, as expected. She recognized none of them, until the Saber class introduced himself as the guardsman of last night. Clearly this was indicative of some shapeshifting capacity, whether through skill or Noble Phantasm, rather than the concealment one she had believed the night before. Berserker nodded. [color=ed1c24]“Likewise. It is a pleasure to meet you again, Saber,”[/color] Berserker greeted, slipping out of her chair and bowing in kind. [color=ed1c24] “Ah yes. [i]Assassin[/i],”[/color] Berserker snarled, hearing mention of the Servant’s name[color=ed1c24], “Well, that rat will be flushed out sooner or later, especially if this burgeoning alliance and most everyone else will be out ensuring he won’t be a continuing threat. But the sooner we all unite to take him out of the picture, the sooner we can all get to warring like proper heroes.” [/color] [hr] [color=00a99d][b]Prof. Sosthenes Antaeoi Kanakaris[/b][/color] Ryuudou Temple, 10:44AM Interacting with: [@Eklispe] Cu Chulainn [hr] Sosthenes gave the summoned entity two once-overs, a twice-over if you will. One look with his eyes, and one look with his Master’s Clairvoyance. The first examination yielded not much of note: he was tall, built like a panther, and wearing a full bodysuit which was not at all what he had been expecting of an ancient Celt, but that was hardly anything to make a fuss over. He was also swinging a 2 meter spear around with impunity, which was a good sign that this was at least a Lancer Class, if not Cu Chulainn. His second assessment was far more fruitful: above-average parameters well-suited for a skirmisher, and a versatile, focused supporting skillset. This was a good draw, well-rounded but still capable of excelling. [color=00a99d]“Yep. That’s me,”[/color] Sosthenes answered, reaching into his pocket for a carton of cigarettes. “I presume you’re the Child of Light?” he asked rhetorically, biting down on the cig to keep it still as he replaced the carton in his pocket. His other hand reached down and plucked the catalyst off the floor before unceremoniously depositing it in its case, which too was placed in a pocket - his breast one this time. [color=00a99d]“As for what’s coming first...” [/color]the professor shrugged, [color=00a99d]“Who knows? I’m certainly quite hungry though. Long rituals and even longer plane rides will do that to a gent.”[/color] He patted his empty belly with an absent look on his face that quickly vanished. [color=00a99d]“Of course, that means we’ll have to enter the city. Apologies, but you might want to enter spirit form soon - I’m about to take down this censure barrier.” [/color] Sosthenes paused and scrutinized Lancer for a few more moments before nodding to himself like a fashion designer verifying a particular outfit - which proved to be quite the accurate comparison with his next words: [color=00a99d] “We’ll also have to get you street clothes, I reckon. Being in spirit form all sounds to me as something quite droll, and regardless of this land’s interest in “super senpai” drama and cartoons, I don’t believe your attire is what passes for acceptable among the laity. So we shall make a point of solving this particular issue first and foremost, [i]then[/i] we can make each others’ acquaintance over food and drink, and not standing in the cold in a temple courtyard.”[/color] He inwardly nodded, then outwardly scratched out the boundary anchor with his heel, removing the area of ignorance. After this, Sosthenes, made his way towards the exit of the temple, down the innumerable steps, and into the city with his Servant to get clothes before their planned meal. Based on the guidebooks he’d read, and the anecdotes of his apprentice, Sosthenes believed that he had settled upon the best location for their luncheon: A place called Ahnenerbe.