"Oh, you need not worry about being outclassed, Vera. I've not stepped foot on the ice since I was a boy." Shay replied with a smile, grabbing the door for Vera and helping her with an outstretched hand into the Peugeot. Once he closed the door behind her, he made his way around to the driver's seat and like an old glove, he slipped into the now familiar cab in a smooth and practiced motion. What Shay wasn't expecting was the sudden serious turn of conversation. Shay blinked slowly, trying to recall what was said to him. Normally it would have come readily, as strange situations such as being mended in a living room by a strange old Gypsy woman was a fairly remarkable event in anyone's day, but it was also the day Vera and himself made love and the explosive argument between her and Sam that threatened to tear their relationship apart. The entire day was just an emotional vortex that threatened to suck the air out of one's lungs if they stayed too long. "Forgive me if my memory is foggy, but Silas was able to translate what she was saying to me, didn't speak a damn word of English, through him she said she could smell our, ah, lovemaking..." Shay trailed off, a bashful expression and a red hue forming across his face. "Other than that, no, I can't recall anything in particular. To be honest, I try not to remember that night much." Shay concluded, running a hand across his face and through the stubble that dominated his face.