Turning his head sightly with his eyes glancing in her direction, the Former Pharaoh did not see this as surprising, The only thing that anyone would know most is his win in the Duelist City Tournament and few would know about his win in Duelist Kingdom. "Meeting him was how Yugi's and my own journey started both personally and as partners. If it wasn't for him, our journey would not have started and we wouldnot have been who and what we are now. Pegasus heard of Yugi's skill to defeating Seto Kaiba and decided to test his skills through a VHS Tape and sending us into the Shadow Realm. Later finding out that I too was this cause in Yugi's victory. To try and take the Millenium Puzzle and Yugi's soul, took Grandpa's to force Yugi into the Duelist Kindom Tournament. We had won, and Pegasus had become a much different man than who we had faced, and becoming an interesting ally and I believe a friend." Yami explained to, being as straightforward and shortened as possible. "Realizing that now? Wake up dork and face it. The faster we get out of this situation, the more we can get back to work and figure this out so I can go back to running a company instead of having to group up with a bunch of Dweebs because someone decides to terrorize for no reason at all and the Geek Patrol decides to butt in." Seto barks out aas he decides to vent out his frustrations, sounding like Seto Kaiba instead of what would be to most people, Seth from his long lost remembered past.