[h2][b][center]The Texanis 63rd: A Humorous WH40K RP[/center][/b][/h2] Texanis. A dusty, arid world located somewhere in the East of the Imperium, on the very edge of civilised territory. Great ranches criss-cross the planet, barbed wire and electric fences hemming in billions of bovine livestock, with the native peoples watching over them and protecting them from the unusually high bandit and chaos population; the planet’s location in Imperial space and the local distrust of Imperial authority meaning that the only guard on the planet are other Texans. Texanis was a very recent planet to be recolonised; the solar system it was in had been lost to Imperial records, and as such it was only found when an enterprising Rouge Trader, thinking there would be unpopulated planets perfect to turn into his own fiefdom landed there, causing him to almost instantly be shot as soon as he started to proclaim his takeover of the planet. Despite this initial bad start, it placed the solar system once again on Imperial maps, and when more diplomatic ambassadors arrived on the planet and asked to be taken to the leader, they were surprised to find that the Texanis had a democracy, albeit one that rewarded the loudest and brashest members of society, and where even if someone won the popular vote, they could still lose the election due to the bizarre way in which votes were counted. Nonetheless, the planet’s huge amount of husbanded animals was seen as a good time, and the planet’s large reserves of ‘jerky,’ a local food involving the extreme oversalting and smoking of the meat produced and the meat itself was quickly being sent offworld, in return for large amounts of steel and other metals, although a conspicuous lack of any promethium; when asked about this, the Texan’s replies were largely incomprehensible, but there was something about ‘black gold,’ although why gold was prized so highly was never discovered. Guard regiments were also raised up, the Texans proving capable warriors, even if a little… Eccentric in their fighting styles. They became famous for blistering high-speed attacks mixing atmospheric craft with rough-riding units and footsloggers pulling up the rear. As well as this, Texanis regiments quickly requested the transportation of their beasts, which when corralled and forced towards the enemy, turned into a thundering stampede of muscle. The guard and PDF are armed with unique gear seen nowhere else in the Imperium, each one made on their home planet, sometimes by the soldiers, and distributed whenever they need them. These are the Peacebreaker autopistol, a heavy-hitting pistol with a revolving cylinder containing 6 bullets that hit almost as hard as a handcannon. Other pieces of weaponry include the Plainstrider repeating autogun, a long-barrelled, wood-finished autogun that requires a leaver to be pulled back between shots, but is renowned for excellent accuracy over long distances. They have an unusually small number of commissars, similar to the Catchcans, due to their innate distrust of offworlders and long period of isolationism from Imperial authority. It’s from this world that the Texanis 63rd arises. Freshly raised up from the planet surface with their local weapons, they’ve been sent out with around 70 other regiments from various local planets, numbering around 2 billion soldiers, to combat a local threat. [center]---[/center] Did someone say… [i][b]40K TEXANS?![/b][/i] (Yes, yes, I did. Stop creaming yourself, Jesus.) So, the idea of this RP is that, as you’ve probably gathered, we play as the 63rd Texanis Regiment, a group of guardsmen from the deserty-aridy-grasslandy planet of Texanis, being deployed… Somewhere…. To shoot people in the faces with revolvers and repeating rifles. This will [b]not[/b] be a highly serious, grimdark 40K RP. Instead, it’s a bit of a modern commentary mixed with joking around and shooting lots of things. This will be taking place [i]in[/i] the same 40K we’re used to, right as the 13th Crusade Start, so expect exasperated commanders and commissars galore. [center][h3]Da Rules[/h3] Sorry, but I want to keep this sane guys 1: Guild rules do apply. Please abide by them. 2: Keep drama to PM's, not OOC. I [i]will[/i] step in if you're getting to be an issue. 3: Please don't go over the top. This is supposed to be a jokey RP, not straight 'Murica bashing.[/center] If you want to join this insane RP, have a gander at the CS to see if you’ve got any ideas, and plop a reply down below, and get ready for some fun. [hider=Texanis and...] Texanis and the Adeptus Astartes The local systems around Texanis includes planets Virginia VII, Kentucktia, Carolinian I and Carolinian II, and all of them are recruiting words for a White Scars successor chapter named the ‘Lone Rangers.’ The normal aesthetic changes that Astartes of the White Scars undergo has not happened in the Rangers, and they instead mutate to be far paler, bulkier and their larynxes undergo changes, causing them to speak in what others have described as a ‘heavy twang.’ The colour scheme for the Rangers is a tan brown, bronze and white, and their symbol is a galloping horse, which is prominently featured on their bikes, and they have an unusual concern for Imperial civillians on par with that of the Salamanders. Despite these similarities, the Rangers actively despise the Salamanders, despite neither chapter having a particular animosity to one another during their history. When queried about this, the Rangers cited the Salamanders’ genetic mutation causing their skin colour as reasons not to trust ‘those shifty ___.’ (You know what it is, please don’t make me say it and break Guild rules) [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/35mju2s.jpg[/IMG] Texanis and Low Gothic Texanis and its neighbouring interplanetary neighbours speak a low gothic dialect unique to the set of systems around Texanis. It’s quite difficult for outsiders to understand, but is overall very simple once you get your head around it. Common features of Texanis Gothic include contracting of the ‘g’ on ‘-ing’ endings, contracting of ‘you all’ to ‘y’all,’ and other such contractions. [/hider] The CS: Name: Self-Explanatory. Texan names are the same as those in real-world Texas. Age: This is a newly drafted regiment, so no veterans here, and we’ll all be around 18/19 Speciality: We’re all guardsmen, but we still need heavy weapon specialists, vox operators and the like. Also include general skills here. Gender: Cowboy or cowgirl? Height: Weight: Appearance: If you can somehow find a picture of a futuristic Texan that isn’t Mcree, go right ahead. Otherwise, writing please, just a few paragraphs. Other Appearance: Scars, tattoos, all that good stuff. Personality: On a scale of 1-10, how Texan is your Texan? History: What kind of family does your Texan come from? Traditional rancher, a politician’s group, even a promethium miner and/or refiner? Gear: What’s your character packing? Standard issue weaponry is a peacebreaker autopistol, a plainstrider autogun, and a ‘combat knife’ that’s actually a cavalry sabre. If you carry anything nonstandard, it goes here. Gear Personalisation: What have you done to make your gear yours? Any custom engravings, carvings and so on goes here.