[h2]PLEASE PM ME ALL APPLICATIONS BEFORE PUTTING THEM IN HERE: UNIFORM IS INCLUDED WITHIN THIS SECTION AS WELL![/h2] Name: Alexis Williams Age: 19 Speciality: Alexis is a natural born leader of men and woman, and whilst she doesn’t really have a way with words, is pretty down to earth and comfortable with mixing with the men and women under the command of her. She’s a pretty good shot with her plainstrider, but is far, [i]far[/i] better with her peacebreaker, and prefers using the latter to the point where she tends to use it in situations where the plainstrider might be a bit better, which can occasionally be a bit of a problem. Gender: Cowgirl Height: 6” Weight: 160 lbs Appearance: Alexis is, whilst certainly not beautiful, has a youthful ‘prettiness’ to her, with slightly tanned skin, a dash of freckles across her upper cheeks, nose and around her eyes, and somewhat larger than usual hazel eyes. Her hair is a dirty blonde colour with a little strawberry thrown in for good measure, and is cut to just below the shoulders, normally held up in a ponytail. She wears the standard uniform of Texan regiments. These are a pair of ankle-high leather combat boots, a tan shirt, wide brimmed brown leather ‘ten-gallon’ hat and a light brown rucksack, as well as a pair of thick brown leggings. The ten-gallon hat is uniquely worn by Texan regiments, and it’s said that for a Texan to lose his or her hat is a grave thing indeed. She wears the stripes of her command on her left shoulder, which is coincidentally where her rifle often hangs, the holster for her pistol on her opposite hip, low slung in order to be able to be whipped out quickly should, as she says, shit go south. Other Appearance: Alexis has a promethium burn on her upper thigh, about five inches across and perhaps two high, almost perfectly following the curve of her hipbone. Other than this, she has no scars or tattoos anywhere on her body. Personality: Alexis is almost a stereotypical miner’s daughter. Snarky, uncomplicated, and rarely found without a lho-stick in her mouth, almost exactly what you’d expect from one such as her. She has a certain softness towards the men and women under her command however, and although she might cuss them out when they’re fucking idiots and will probably [i]not[/i] be sympathetic towards whoever stole her whiskey, she’s generally good for a laugh or two. History: Alexis’ father, William Williams, despite his comical name, is the owner of Williams and son, one of the many, many, [b]many[/b] promethium mining companies that exploded shortly after the Imperium returned to Texanis. She’s the fourth generation since the big boom, and as such her family is, whilst not quite as rich as some of the truly massive companies, is still worth a pretty penny. Growing up, Alexis received a contemporary education for Texans of her social standing, learning how to ride a horse and fire a gun, read, write, operate a vox caster (modified versions of which have been used on Texanis for millennia,) and many more abilities useful to life both in the guard and in Texanis in general. However when she was picked for military duty, rather than buying her way out, she instead immediately applied for officer’s college. With her families’ ‘fame,’ she was able to enrol and was found good material to be an officer. After graduating, it was announced that she would be joining the Texanis 63rd Regiment. Gear: Alexis carries with her the Peacebreaker autopistol and Plainstrider autogun, along with an officer chainsword. Being from a wealthy family who was able to afford carapace armour, she wears the tougher material rather than the standard flak. Gear Personalisation: Her Peacebraker is quite ornate, a family heirloom (if you can call an item owned by only two generations an heirloom,) that her father owned, and has a pearl handle. Her Plainstrider however, is bog standard, with everything from the leather strap to the varnished finish fresh out of the factory. Her chainsword is similarly guard-standard. Her peacebreaker has also been modified in order to be able to be ‘fanned,’ as in the hammer pulled back repeatedly very quickly in order to discharge the entirety of the gun’s cylinder in half a second or less, without sustaining damage, although this does require extra upkeep on her part. Due to the fact that she is an officer, the traditional sabre that Texan guardsmen normally take with them has been dropped, and she instead has a Cadian issue combat knife, as in a hell of a lot shorter than she’s used to.