[center][h3]J E N[/h3] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTcwMTQ4Njc3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzU5Njc3MQ@@._V1_.jpg[/img][/center][hr] [b]Name[/b]: Dr. Jen Tulley [b]Age[/b]: 33 [b]Description[/b]: She is 5'8 and 130 lbs. Her blonde hair is of medium length and she has hazel eyes. Jen has a small tongue piercing and a butterfly tattoo on her foot. [b]Personality[/b]: Jen is a sweet woman. She has a big heart for people who are somehow less fortunate than her, and she believes in “an eye for an eye”. Even though she's fully aware of the limits set for patient-doctor relationships, Jen can't help but feel genuine empathy for some of her patients who've gone through a very traumatic experience. She has, on some occasions, crossed the line to help some of those people, despite receiving a warning after a colleague caught her mid-act. [b]Background[/b]: Jen was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and has lived there all her life. She attended public school where her grades were something that made her parents proud, and she even ran cross country and track. Being an only child, Jen was always interested being around people and learning more about them. Her parents weren't neglectful, per se, but they did spend a lot of time working. Eventually, Jen attended college in South Florida as well. She lived with her parents all throughout undergrad and moved out after being accepted to a private university's psychology program. It was there she got her doctorate and eventually became a certified psychologist. Jen met her boyfriend, Jonas, while she was out with her girlfriends and he was in the area working an off duty assignment. Despite Jonas being in uniform, Jen approached him with her alcohol courage and asked him out. They've been dating ever since. Fast forward to the present. Jen was on a trip to a national psychology conference when news of the outbreak surfaced. She's been extremely careful when she's had to leave her hotel room for whatever reason. [b]Skills[/b]: An excellent runner, whether sprinting or long distance. [b]Motivation[/b]: Jen wants to find her family to make sure they're alive.