Some of the gods that will be in the game as an example: The Past God [hider] One of only gods there that is not of an evil nature. The Past God or The God of Passed is one of the first deities that sprung into existence back when all was nothing. He is neither good nor evil but apathetic and will occasionally flip from sides. He enjoys the brutality of the demonic denizens that he visit. Partaking in their culture as much as he does the pursuits of knowledge and the world. He never talks. Forever a human like figure always hidden by a darken shadow, a sun glaring behind him. + When you are away from civilization or roads. The world itself will come to aid you. Plants will magically grow rapidly what you need-fresh fruit for food or thorns to cover your tracks from scouts- animals and beasts will defend you and treat you as kin. The weather itself will bend to your benefit at the time, even if the weather is impossible such as snow in a desert. This is not controlled and stops when you enter any city from tribal to advanced. Roads ward against this power. +you will receive a single coin from the past god. When laid upon the floor it will be absorbed and in its place a gigantic titan will arise from the location. What type depends on the area you place it in. This titan is immensely powerful, very ancient and utterly loyal to you. All titans you summon have a small lodging inside a part of their body for you to live in. +You start off with 2 stat points in everything. Each new area of the map that you completely traverse gives you 1 to spend as you like. Should you traverse the entire map a titan for each region will arise and join your army. All of them just as powerful as your first minion. Once this happens even the mightiest of forces will struggle to restrain you. - The only capital building you may have is a shack. A society you cannot have. For you must wander on without anything to hold you back. The titan will replace your capital building after being summoned. - Everyone on the map will know when you are getting closer to summoning all the titans. They rumble in their sleep, bringing heat waves, whirling winds and small earthquakes. The natives and the players will not like this and they know it is your doing. [/hider] The Dark Cloak: The Isolationist [hider] The dark cloak is one of the things you can argue is not a god, at least. You think it is not a god traditionally. It is as it says, a large black cloak normally worn by nobility of old or in fantasy plays. It's range and mobility seem to stretch out as far as the sky itself for on its girth it can surround the very planet with its black embrace. No light nor sky can be seen under its effect. He draws people into his security, draping people in his care and obsessive control. and you are his prime peon. + Being around you is uncomfortable. People, companions, lovers, even your minions feel as if they are slowly becoming very ill to be even visibly in your presence. To be in the same room as you washes the feeling of being mircowaved slowly by some unseen force. Your touch causes unspeakable pain, as if your fingers where nails wiggling around in their flesh. This effects everyone, even if that person could not normally feel agony of any sort. +You start off with a capital city of the Library of Lingering: a gigantic black cube that towers into the sky and leave plants dead in the suffocating shadow it casts behind it. Inside is a fortress comprised of a thousands rooms, all perfectly cubical and all without light or windows. Any time you kill someone instead of dying they will teleport here, trapped for eternity in the isolation. Doomed to go insane. you may, in this effect. Ask players for aid, whom after some time of complete isolation of soul, sound, sight and feeling will surely comply. You may, if you so choose release a player from this where they will be randomly dropped into the game world but at the cost of giving you one of their powers. the cube is a fortress in its own right. The walls stoicly refuse fire, magic and arrows. Only the most intense of player attacks can even dent it and the doors inside are always hidden in plain sight to anyone that dosen't go in alone. + The cube has an endless series of locks that would baffle even the most of intelligent of minds and making even a small amount of progress into its confines can take a considerable amount of time, even with help. Each step deeper into the cube dooms those that enter as it locks itself harder and more complexly despite damage. Isolating the attacking players to kill you or find themselves trapped in the Library. - your presence on the field saps your own troops and minions. These same minions must move further away from you as the weeks go by in order to not be harmed by your aura. Eventually they won't be able to even to man your Library and must set up outside. - You must also retreat deeper into the library as the weeks go on until you finally dwell into the deepest pits of the library. A single, circle room that is buried like a drill deep in the middle, several stories under earth. No light or chance to escape. You're trapped. Relying on an orb to talk to prisoners and minions. You gain an intense fear of the outside world to the point of delusion. This room however has all your artifacts and is luxurious to the extreme. [/hider] FALL! FALL ! FALL! FALL! [hider=fal fall fall fall fall fall fall fall falll] FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! FALL! +You can fly in any manner that you desire from hovering to wings to magical. While flying you act as if you have max possible dex points. You cannot be confused or bewildered when flying nor lost in any form. While moving in the air you are considered unstoppable and any obstacle from fire, earth and even magic will shatter at your charge. +Your capital is large tower with stairs leading to the roof. This tower will emit a pulse that turns the surrounding landscape into a mountain ridden hazard with sink holes and deep, open caverns. Minions and players will experience immense vertigo while on land and will feel a need to fly. +The longer you are on the map the more of it will change. Slowly but surely the regions will start to crack and in its place an endless sky that falls for eternity will take it place. This will continue to the map itself is totally destroyed, leaving nothing but your tower floating in an endless air without clouds, space above or ground below. Should you succeed in changing the map to this. You win, even if the other players survive somehow. This could take months however and the natives, minions and even natural life will rise up against you. +Your form is unspeakable and bewilders even the most stoic and hardened of minds. You are not of this world, a flying monstrosity that shatters the senses and belies onto its viewers a reality that floods the mind in horror. While in person all creatures, both sentient and not will have intense vertigo. Flying creatures will sky dive to their death, hitting the floor with terminal speed. Players with dex will struggle to even shamble about. -the concept of a floor is totally foreign to you and while on it you experience the same vertigo. You cannot fall but you be treated as stationary, crawling y and deliberately being slow. You're the only character with 0 dex while on the ground. -your form is twice the size of a normal man. This present a huge problem to your need to fly in tight spaces such as enemy cities or capital ships. -the region will grow more aggressive to you as time goes on. Minions that may of served you willingly from any tribes you consumed will shoot you on sight or simply run away in fear. The animals will go berserk at you in any given moment, including other flying creatures that have to use land in some form. [/hider] Bliss: the god of ignorance [hider] +You start with max stats in everything. +any powers other doom lords do not know you may purchase at half the cost when shopping. +When alone you may ask the darkness in the room any question you like and you will receive an objectively true answer. +you gain an artifact called Secret Weapon which can take on any base enchantment that you want and have any form of poison on it that you want. It may even change at a moments notice to any kind of weapon that you want as long as it is not seen. If this weapon is ever seen it turns into a rusty, mundane kitchen knife. -all your powers rely on what your enemies do not know about you. Should someone else know the answer the darkness will remain silent. Should you be seen your stats will revert to 1. First your muscle. Then your dex when they see you move. If you speak and they hear it you will lose your intelligence and should they test your character you will lose your will. ectr - You cannot learn traditionally. You may not read from books as it all appears to be gibberish to you, books do not count as known information however. Only living people may know things. Other people may not tell you information, any you obtain will vanish from your mind but you may know who is aware of this information. If they are dead, asleep or simply gone the required info is considered to be unknown. [/hider] EDIT: fixed a lot of errors. Sorry, my kinded. I'm sort of in a lot of pain and gone without sleep so some mistakes are massaging into my muddy mindscape. My head is more fucked than a mental patient with an interrogator as his carer.