[center][h1]Taka Frederick & Assassin[/h1][/center] [center]Interacting with: [@Shadow Daedalus] [/center] Jack was continuing her search at a rather rapid pace. She needed to be fast because if their mother was going to get into a fight she had to be ready to combat any servants hiding from plain view. She kept low, combining that with her instinct and presence concealment she was an effective hunter of her victims. She had everything to prove and nothing to lose but her mother. She kept her green eyes focused on the rooftops as she traveled from one to the next in a search that had transpired a couple of minutes. Then she saw them. A figure on the far roof. That roof had a full view of the street. An effective hiding hole for sure but nobody stayed hidden from Jack for long. She kept true to her role of the assassin and true to her word. Like the murderer in the night she was, she positioned herself behind her enemy. The enemy's arteries would be filled with blood. She would spill it in service of her master and mother. She had remained silent. Her eyes had hidden her murderous intent. The hidden potential of the serial killer. The ability to cease all emotion in the act of the hunt. Taka meanwhile had already closed her fist and cast mana leak, the one advantage it had over any other curse was that you didn't have to chant a single word making it an effective one, if it didn't have something over the competition it wouldn't be a family treasure. She had cast it the moment the boy had said 'yeah' meaning she had the upper hand in the long term, If she could survive the short. She noticed that he didn't notice immediately or at least didn't show that he noticed immediately, perhaps meaning he wasn't using any passive magic abilities. She watched him move backward was he scared perhaps? She wondered as she opened the link to Jack to check on her progress. She ignored the initial feedback of wraiths to keep an extremely straight face. "Assassin." "Found them. roof behind the guy you are talking to. The one with the wide street view. extremely good vantage point. Can I kill them?" "Not yet but are you close enough to engage?" "Yes." "Good, then I have leverage" Taka cut the link as she responded. "Yes. I am a magi if my question wasn't obvious enough." She spoke softly as if to make sure the small crowd of people that passed them didn't hear a word out of her mouth. They were still in public. If a fight broke out in the streets in the middle of the day, her family would know exactly which street and that would make hiding harder for her to avoid them. This situation was getting tense. She noticed his weight being shifted to the back foot. She noticed his eyes glancing towards what she thought at first was her chest, which by itself would warrant her punching him in the face, but then she realized and mentally cursed. He looked back up to her face and she met his gaze. Her eyes had lost the facade, he definitely knew, that sudden reaction was one of realization from him. She couldn't take any prisoners. She moved her arm in one fluid motion pulling out her gun, it was easy enough to conceal. Pointing it squarely at the man opposing her. "You just had to go and do that, didn't you. Couldn't just keep your eyes to yourself. At least you should warn your 'friend' if they are armed with some sort of ranged projectile type attack that they might want to refrain from doing so unless they love having their jugular opened." She said coldly. Her voice being the only one in an unusually silent street. She had shifted her weight to be able to move into a sprint quickly if necessary. Jack hadn't shown herself, she was in the position to assassinate or at least interrupt the enemy on the roof. Taka calmed her breathing, one wrong move and she would be out of the grail war in this first confrontation alone. "Now then, whos your friend on the roof." She said keeping her gun trained on the mans figure. "I really hate talking at gunpoint but you brought this on yourself." She sighed as she looked at him with cold eyes, masking the panic beneath.