[center][h2][color=92278f]Bonesword[/color][/h2][i]~Alchemist's Castle~[/i][/center][hr] The swordsman was spoken to by the angel currently holding him as she judged his sins. She was no doubt against the silence the skeleton was currently in, despite him just waiting for others to go before he attempted to defend his case. He then 'closed' his eyes, reopened them, and attempted to have his sins judged rightfully. [color=92278f][b]"... I have done despicable things in my life. I have taken the lives of multiple humans long ago, when I was under the trance of brotherhood that I had shared with those of my kind. I took fathers, brothers, uncles, even some grandfathers, and I could never forgive myself for those deaths at my blade. I defended the families of those that were slain on that day, and I poached every demon in that village, the demons I knew as my brothers once, until there were none to be slain and the families I defended banished me. After a long wandering, I had met the only one I truly knew as my friend. I watched as she grew from a child to a strong woman, and I watched as her life was taken from me. The feeling that I felt... it was... unbearable. I felt like my own child had been taken from my arms and I had no power to even strike back at them... except I did have power that day. I struck down the one who had slain my closest friend and greatest ally, and by the same right I had slain every demon in the raid. After that day, I swore to defend humans until my life was ended, and I will still do so as long as my blade is intact and my heart was pure. I had committed the unspeakable when I took the lives of those humans long ago, and I similarly payed for it at the lost of her. I have learned true pain, and I would not wish that onto anybody else at my own hand."[/b][/color] The lights that occupied the skeleton's eyes had gone out, and they wouldn't return until Iona responded to his plead. [hr] [@KoL]