Interactions: [@Grey][@Turboshitter] ==== [color=bc8dbf]"On my honor I'd definitely want to take out the less desirable servants in this war. However I would like it if we could contain the dead masters to a minimum. We as Heroic Spirits were made to war on one another not the humans. I'd like it if some of the servants could be perhaps convinced to surrender and live their lives as familiars of their masters. I am aware however of the naivety of that statement. I will not hold my sword back against anyone who comes between myself, and my master."[/color] Saber stated solemnly as he shook his head thinking of the fact that he would indeed need to bring down a cherished relationship against the worthy adversaries of this war. He had done enough killing in his life, and he would prefer he do little more of it. Though he meant it when he said he'd just as easily end their lives if they tried anything to hurt Leon, or innocents by extension. Leon himself was more to the point however as [color=00a651]"It may very well have been a surprise attack from the Assassin that killed Lancer. Even the greatest kings of history were prone to an assassin's dagger when distracted. But I doubt it transpired anything like that. Whoever Lancer was is none of my concern but he wouldn't be a heroic servant if he hadn't had some sort of legacy to uphold. Whoever Assassin truly is he is not a man to be taken lightly."[/color] Leon said as he sat a seat over from Albert for caution dictated he not be foolish enough to get within distance of a trained mage. Leon leaned forward on the surface in front of him as he cracked his neck. [color=00a651]"Well I suppose you have every right to do so. I'm a stranger, and a possible enemy master myself. But I hope you can take my word when I say that I have standards. I have lived my life as a honest man, and I'd like for that to continue. I even allowed Saber to do what he did and signal you of his own volition when it could've been a trap. I'm willing to try it your way but I promise you that I will be keeping my eyes firmly on you. As for Jonathan...I'll try and take you with me to meet him but I'm not going to hide the fact that he singled me out alone to meet him. I can't promise he won't show up if you come with me. And more over about that Geis contract. I already wrote one up this morning. A gift and skill learned from my mother back home. I figured Jonathan would be receptive to an agreement like this."[/color] Leon said as he pulled out a scroll covered in plastic to prevent water damage. He didn't move to give it to Albert however. [color=00a651]"I think you won't be the one to sign something like this, even if I already have. So I'll test out this partnership trial thing. However I'll give you fair warning; as powerful as Berserker no doubt is, she'll find the man behind the smog of Saber a lot to chew on. I'd prefer not to have that happen so I'll ask that you refrain from attacking me or I may be forced have him retaliate. Likewise I promise you on my pride as a duelist, and a magus that I won't betray your trust in this 'partnership'. My servant would have my head if I did otherwise."[/color]