Hey! For this story, we live in human communities, we protect the humans. We are the were-creatures. You can be for the humans or against them, but know, if you're against them, you will be met with the force of humanity and their protectors. You can be any kind of were-animal as long as it makes sense. If you are for humanity, your character must be a generally good person. If you're against humanity, you must have a good reason, it can be either a terrible experience or how you were raised. Let's have some fun! For the Character Sheet. Picture: What do you look like? Both Animal and Human. Name: (Of course.) Nickname: Optional. Age: Well... Let's keep it above 16 and below 70. Were-species: What are you? Abilities: Should align with your species. Favorite Song: Because why not? Back Story: If you're pro-human, it doesn't need to be too detailed. If you're anti-human, explain why you hate them. Other: What else do you want us to know about you? You can choose a weapon for yourself as well.