[quote=@pugbutter] It's the closest thing we had to a [i]Thief[/i] sequel in 2007/2008. The plot twist is pretty good, too, I guess. It's still one of the best plot twists I've ever seen to this day.[hr][hr]Now what is the appeal to [i]Rick and Morty[/i], [i]Steven Universe[/i], [i]Adventure Time[/i], and these other cartoons to which full-grown adults have latched themselves? I get that cartoons aren't, in and of themselves, an inferior medium—I watch a few myself—but why these ones, which sacrifice so much comedy potential seemingly for the sake of quirkiness? The retards who browse Reddit cannot be entirely responsible. [/quote] I would be interested to know the answer to this myself. I can't stand these either. And don't get me wrong, I'm partial to the cartoon medium myself and enjoy several cartoon/animated series, but some like [i]Adventure Time[/i] (can't really comment on the other two as I haven't had much exposure to them or seen them to know much about them o.o) I honestly just find crude, distasteful and honestly somewhat offensive O.O