[center][h1]Lancer[/h1] [sub]Interacting with [@Grey][/sub][/center] [hr] Lancer was clearly not bothered by the close examination he was receiving from Sosthenes, standing there seemingly as relaxed as if he was lazing around at a park. [b]"Good to see I'm still remembered."[/b] He said in response to Sosthenes naming him as The Child Of Light. [b]"Food certainly never goes amiss. As for clothes I suppose I don't quite fit in as is, try to get me something colorful alright?"[/b] Lancer continued with a grin as he took a few steps alongside Sosthenes with his spear resting on his shoulders before his footsteps vanished along with of his physical form. His master seemed to have plenty of magic and seemed rather reasonable, Lancer couldn't wait for things to get started.