[@Fancy Party] The old man doesn't relax a bit; "The Temple of Old Waidi, of course, where the faithful are called to await the return of the Gods. Planning on staying in the City long? It's the only bastion of civilization left in this place." His voice lowers almost to a whisper; "Master Peng of the Temple sees through my eyes as you would see through glass. I could give you directions there if you'd like. Or, if you would test your skills against mine, I could give you directions to many more places as well. But, well, looking you over I can see that it's a miracle you even made it up Wua-Sho at all. ." He grins, smug as can be. [@Vec][@Eklispe] You begin your walk west, careful not to stray from the wall and lose your way. At first things are quiet, cold, empty. The towers your only companions along the flat land. But things quickly change; the ground begins to lose its luster, the fog in the air grows a black tint the further west you travel, the stench of rot hits your senses. Soon the towers are completely gone, replaced instead with a jungle of tightly packed buildings of gray stone and darkness. This end of the City feels like an entirely different realm than the rest; it's the first time you've seen any doors or windows anywhere, and in some spots the land dips a bit rather than being entirely flat. Long burned out lamps hang from the buildings here, and worn benches rest against their walls. To the east where you entered the City was perfect, untouched. Here the buildings have long since began to crumble, time beating against them as it should. The reason why is clear; this area was built by [i]men,[/i] not Gods. This place is not silent either; the sound of claw on stone is fast approaching, though from where you cannot tell.