[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Can someone explain the appeal of Kingdom Hearts? I personally dont like the music and the visuals are a little too chidlkike for me, but I honestley cant get over the ridiculously simplified combat system, I mean there is more variety in a Koei Warriors game. Not too mention the wildly complex plot, which I dont see the appeal of either. [/quote] Never played kingdom hearts, so a huge guess on my part, but from what I understand it has tons of characters from Disney and other childhood shows/movies, so it's largely a nostalgia factor, it doesn't have to be an amazing game, when you get to save Halloween town with Jack Skellington, and go on adventures with Mickey and the rest of the gang. That and Square Enix fanboys. Can someone explain the appeal of Vsauce? I've watched a few videos of his, and he occasionally talks about something interesting, but really he just talks in a funny way, (Almost shatner like) and repeats the same tidbit using different phrases, the actual information he presents can usually be summed up in a 2-3 minute video, but he stretches it all out.