[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmIwNGFkOS5VbWxrWlhJLC4w/grecian-formula.regular.pngp[/img][/center] [center][color=92278f]Interacting with:[@Turboshitter][/color][/center] Nothing. She was alone in the recesses of her own mind. She had acted in self-perseverance, nourishing herself off the humans in order to sustain herself in this world. Perhaps it was the ultimate form of selfishness. [b]N[/b]ot that she had much to give in terms of atonement. [b]H[/b]er eyes marked her as a monstrosity of this world. Still nothing. She was dreaming, which meant she was asleep. [b]P[/b]robably still under that lamppost in the cold. If she could smile in her dream she would be smiling in a bittersweet manner. This was certainly the most optimal way for a monster to go, without needless bloodshed. She would just vanish back into the ether. [b]S[/b]he imagined it wouldn't be painful at all. She didn't worry much about what happened to her after she was gone. Slowly she could smell the smell of aging wood creeping into her dream. Strange. She wasn't near any forests or places that would have any woodwork when she collapsed. [b]M[/b]aybe it was a memory of her time on the island. The shrill chirping of a bird pierced into her dream. Did her last moments have to be so cruel? Though that wasn't any bird from her island. Was she not dead then? With all her effort Rider opened her eyes. At first nothing, it was the effect of her bounding field limiting her sight. She needed to see if the world around her was real. The faint outlines of magical energy were of no consequence to her. She reached up to the cloth covering her eyes and subsequently put her arms down. She had detected another person close to her, extremely close to her. Propping herself up she turned her head downwards to them. A man? In bed with her? She cocked her head sideways, he appeared to be a magus. [color=92278f]"Who might you be."[/color] Medusa said her voice low and full of false sweetness due to her assumption of age. The boy in front of her could be anyone. A hero, a criminal, or just a stupid child that brings home monsters. In the worst case scenario, he was a simple source of mana. In the best case scenario, he was a replacement [b]M[/b]aster. [color=92278f]"Why did you bring me here to this[b]...[/b]"[/color] [b]S[/b]he moved her head around to get an idea of her location. [color=92278f]"[b]R[/b]oom."[/color] she questioned.