Caster had been coming around a couple asteroids when he received Valana's transmission about hunting down the lone tie fighter. He was coming about and headed in the direction of Jax's quad-jumper, not terribly far away. [color=red]"Caster, would you mop up the runner?"[/color] "Roger, I'm on it," He had replied. He lowered his throttle and came around, adjusting his coarse for the TIE fighter that was attempting to disengage. "I've already had my one that got away. You're not pretty enough for that." [color=orange]“Caster for Kark’s sake, get that magnificent speedbeast of yours and take down that scout, I’ll assist our ace in hunting down this other TIE.”[/color] "I got it, I got it," he said again. He hit his after burners, catching up to the TIE fighter. He fired a couple blasts around it, purposefully to let it know that it was not allowed to disengage until it was decided by the crew he was apart of. He took his after burner down and reduced his travel speed to combat speeds, maneuvering around asteroids, following the TIE. Fast they were, but not particularly maneuverable. Not even as maneuverable in a stock Z-95. With the modifications that Caster had made to his drive core and the overhaul he had done to his own Z-95, he had this in the bag. I fired a few bursts, tagging the stabilizers, rocking the fighter in front of him, a little. He targeted the engines of the TIE fighter, opening another burst, hitting dead center of each engine. The explosion cause a back-draft in the fuel source and cause the entire fighter to rapidly combust, as Caster pealed out quickly. "Scout taken care of," Caster sent over the comms. "Regrouping now." He flew on his way towards his allied fighters.