Interactions: [@Shadow Daedalus][@1Charak2] ==== As tensions flared neither of the magi in question could've picked up on either of the approaching enemies. Both of them cloaked in their own magic one more primal than the other's trickery. One honed sense of skilled killing, and the other spent hiding from those who would do him harm. It happened in a moment and only a moment as Jame's hunter's mark flared up three arrows were sent barreling towards him with killing intent each one shot very precisely. Meanwhile a dagger was flung towards Taka, and Archer as a man emerged from the shadows behind Taka a dagger brandished in his hand aiming for the vital artery in the neck. The arrows had come from an unknown area but they didn't seem to have come from that far away and the assailant likely was waiting for another chance to attack. [color=f26522]"My master dictates your death has come. It shall be as wished of me."[/color] came the smooth voice of the servant who only could've been assassin as his outfit signified his Middle Eastern heritage with a green turban, a red cloth covering his mouth, and the tight fitting uniform of a man who left nothing to chance. His cape blew with the wind as he already began to contemplate what he would do to the other one once he finished with the girl. He felt nothing. If she tried to dodge him he'd just hound her more, and if she somehow managed to counter that knife thrown at her surely he'd at the very least hit his mark in some form or another. Of course there was the enemy servants to deal with but he wasn't worried. === [@grey][@Turboshitter] Leon nodded in polite acknowledgement of his 'friend' and his kind words. [color=00a651]"My parents always taught me that a prepared mage is a good mage. I wasn't raised in no fancy setting just a simple college in the middle of the U.S.A. I learned a lot there and I intend to use that knowledge as much as possible here. I suppose going through a life with few friends was worth it in the end. Friends wouldn't be much help here if I just leaned on them and not sought to win on my own strength. Don't get me wrong having a friend is important and all. And numbers are not something to scoff at. But when the cards are set down and you need to make a choice for yourself then it's always better to have studied a lot before hand."[/color] Leon stated as he stared at his contract and then his hand that he typically put his glove on. Use the right hand for wind, and freeze the water with the left. That was his signature combo in his fights back home. So many magus focused on one element of training and when they see that coming they aren't expecting something else entirely. A hail of water turned into a icicle death trap, and or a water shield that suddenly froze could end up with an opponent who's arm was trapped leaving them open to another blow. Magic was complicated, and dangerous but simple mechanics such as that let Leon win his magus duels back home. [color=00a651]"My mom also use to say when the first order of business is done with then you should move onto any semantics. I believe those words should be used here as well. If you don't like that contract there then how about we find out what we should do to cement this deal? Beating around the bush doesn't help anyone."[/color] Leon concluded as he looked Albert in the eye without hesitation. He wasn't going to be put on some back seat in this deal. Saber was called the best of the classes for a reason. He'd not let that role be diminished.