[img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gurennlagann/images/5/5e/Tumblr_mwhcen2XbG1skkrxzo3_500.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131208070802[/img] Name: Sebastian Bergwerk Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: Sebastian is a short and slight boy, with dark hair that looks almost blue when the light hits it a certain way. His body, however skinny, is somewhat toned due to the nature of his family. He wears a mix of his own attire with state uniform, the only thing that's constant is the layer of dirt and grime and his state alchemist pocket watch. He's often wearing a pair of state blue goggles on his head, with blue cargo pants and the black undershirt that all military personnel wear. On formal occasions, he will wear his full uniform to look the part, mostly to avoid any attention to himself. He can sometimes be seen wearing large leather and metal gloves with transmutation circles on them, one could only guess what he uses them for. Personality: Sebastian is an earnest, charming, and quite genuine person. He can be sarcastic and witty at times, but he doesn't mean any true harm to anyone by it. He's probably one of the last people someone would consider military material or in fact a genius, yet he's both. He's quite deserving of his rank as he is also happens to have a natural talent for battle strategy. He's not too concerned with outward appearance, even in the presence of someone he's romantically interested in. He believes it gives himself character. He does shower, at least once a week, but one way or another, he's always got a dirt or grime somewhere on himself. He despises oppressors of any kind, from schoolyard bullies to tyrants. Sebastian believes in Fuhrer Mustang, more so than he did Bradley. That's one of the reasons he became a state alchemist, to do his part in ensuring Amestris remains as tyrant free as possible. Specialties: [i]Primary[/i] - Earth Alchemy: Sebastian specializes in the transmutation of every element of rock, soil, metal, if its related to the earth's core features, you can bet he knows how to manipulate it. - Natural Born Mechanic and Engineer: While he's always been too small to be an effective miner, he sure knows how to make stuff work. His mind is wired mathematically and there isn't anything he can't fix. [i]Secondary: [/i] - Skilled Driver: Sebastian can drive pretty much anything, even if he doesn't really know how he can figure it out pretty quick. - Geologist: The nature of his alchemical research makes him more or less a bonafide geologist, he knows all about rocks. - Strategic Talent: Sebastian is a surprisingly good tactician and even surprises himself sometimes with the successful plans he comes up with. State Title: Major Sebastian Bergwerk, The Roving Earth Alchemist History: Sebastian Bergwerk was born to a miner and a waitress in a mining town in eastern Amestris. His two older brothers were born a few years apart and three years before he was born. Growing up, Sebastian always like to believe his body was so small because all that mass had went to his brain. Because he was so small, he got work solving problems practically than with strength. He became the town mechanic/scientist/engineer and was often called upon to make sure things are running. He began to discover alchemy when he was 9 years old, when he found some old books about it on the edge of town. All of a sudden, he didn't just have to solve problems with his brain power alone, but with the help of alchemy. He began to study it and put it to use, some experiments successful and others disastrous. Sebastian began to form a fascination with the earth and begin to learn more about it and eventually manipulate it with alchemy. But disaster struck when he was 13, his father was in a mining accident. Sebastian used alchemy to save his father's life, but he was crippled, his legs shattered and useless. The blow was devastating. His family would lose a source of income and have to spend extra to keep him medically sound. A few months later, Sebastian heard the story of Edward Elric, the youngest alchemist in history and thought, "If he could do it, why can't I?". He knew the money from the alchemist position would be great for keeping his family in the black and the resources available could offer a way to fix his father's legs and expand his own knowledge. So Sebastian set out for the capital and passed the test, becoming one of the youngest state alchemists and one of the youngest officers in the military. Equipment: - Miner Goggles: Goggles he wears on his head everywhere, he painted them blue when he became a state alchemist. - The Earth Gloves: A pair of gloves he's been experimenting with, they allow him to manipulate the earth with a snap of his fingers through the transmutation circles inscribed on each glove.