Rasteva muttered something incomprehensible as Sara attempted to reassure them, the gentle stroking of their head soothing the Daemon's nerves somewhat. She was right of course, there was nothing inherently wrong with seeking help. They were certainly not in the position tho be saying so when one considered where they were. Rasteva let out a soft grumble. [color=9e0b0f]"I am aware of that Sara. It is not that I feel weakness in asking for help. It is just that I am used to being alone and wholly self-sufficient. Before I met you I did not have any close companions."[/color] The Raven shook their head, muttering softly. [color=9e0b0f]"Only acquaintances and even that is putting it kindly."[/color] Rasteva eyed Sara with beady eyes as she expressed her concern over them going out into the city alone.[color=9e0b0f]"Hrmm, yes well you are right to be wary, especially given what we've just witnessed on TV. But simply put there is no other recourse. If we wish to get any answers to our questions, we must head out."[/color] The Daemon shook their head, feathers ruffling. [color=9e0b0f]"Ah no, of course not. I've no intention of bringing them HERE of all places. While they may be trustworthy, I've no intention of putting up with their nonsense at all hours of the day." [/color] The Raven hopped off of Sara's shoulder and perched on her shoulder as had since become customary for them.[color=9e0b0f] "I suppose we'd best be off if we want to get there anytime soon. Simply follow my instructions and all will be well."[/color] The Raven stared down at Sara intently. [color=9e0b0f]"And if anyone asks you to buy something, politely decline."[/color] [hr] The trip to the location that Rasteva did not take long, merely a scant thirty minutes and they were there. The Raven perched on Sara's shoulder instructed her to turn into a narrow alleyway. A set of concrete stairs stood at one end and the duo approached cautiously. [color=9e0b0f]"Hrmm...This is the place. Though I do not see anyone here...."[/color] As if waiting for them to speak a shadow suddenly spread out under Sara's feet before beginning to rise from the ground. A massive Bear hauled itself out of the ground. Thick furry arms bracing their weight against the asphalt as they rose to their hind legs and towered over the two of them. The Bear's face was obscured, hidden in the shadow of a wide-brimmed hat perched on its head, though its eyes could be seen glowing beneath it as it observed Rasteva and Sara critically. [color=aba000]"You two look lost. Why don't you turn around and get movin' AWAY from here."[/color] Rasteva stared balefully up at the large Bear Daemon, their voice clipped as they addressed them. [color=9e0b0f]"Step aside Bandalur, I am here on business."[/color] The Bear leaned down and forward looming over the two of them as they inspected Rasteva. [color=aba000]"Rast.....Is that you? The hell you doin' in that bird getup. And with a Human no less?"[/color] Bandalur gently prodded Sara with a large claw, chuckling gruffly. [color=aba000]"Where'd you get this one? She looks a bit small, yeah?"[/color] Rasteva flapped their wings furiously, staring angrily up at Bandalur. [color=9e0b0f]"Leave her be! And hush! What I do and whom I spend my time with is not your business. And last I checked asking questions was not part of your job."[/color] Bandalur grumbled lowly and straightened back up. [color=aba000]"Hurrumph! Still got that stick up your ass I see. Tch, fine. Get your asses inside before I change my mind."[/color] The Bear Daemon moved their bulk aside to allow Sara and Rasteva passage to the end of the alleyway. [color=aba000]"And don't go startin' any trouble, otherwise I'll throw both of you out on your asses."[/color] Rasteva let out a loud sigh once they were down the stairs, the two of them coming to stop in front of a rusted metal door. Loud music and talking could be heard on the other side, and Rasteva took a moment to compose themselves. [color=9e0b0f]"I am not overly fond of this place, but we require information and those inside have it."[/color] The Daemon cast a worried glance in Sara's direction. [color=9e0b0f]"Are you ready?"[/color]