[@Lunarlors34] Okay, so like I said I am Christian which means you know well....I was forced to watch veggietales in my youth. So obviously ol' veggietales ain't gonna be spouting out fact about prostitutes and their patron saints BUT there was one about St. Nicholas. he helped out a poor man with his three daughters dowries so they would not have to be prostitutes. He sneakily gifted money in the night in three purses filled with gold through a window in the mans house. There are a lot of stories around this event, since you know history gets garbled up the farther along it goes from the event, but I digress. He was just a dude wanting to lend a hand and had the ability to do so. His selfless gift giving and the fact he did it undercover of darkness is why they kind of rolled with the Saint Nick idea for good ol' santa. Anyway I'm done with this random religious talk in this RP's OC, sorry for this. You ask and I end up spouting out annoying information. I am extremely interested in religions, not just my own.