[@TheWindel] I am the boss maker now. Fear me and my almighty raid bosses! Also the table can be expanded to include more drops if legitimate skilling becomes a thing in DGO. [hider=Raid Boss: Angelic High Lord Ruman][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/22/c7/a6/22c7a6046a15b05623e5eaac7947a42b.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gold][center][h2]Angelic High Lord Ruman[/h2][/center][/color] [b][i]Description:[/i][/b] Residing high in the mountains behind the White City in the Stronghold of Angelic Might, Ruman awaits worthy challengers upon his throne of silver. Only when his forces are defeated and his fortress destroyed will he rise, only to cut bloody swaths into those gathered to defeat him. Few have ever bested him in combat, and even less have taken a trophy to prove their victory besides a number on the boss kill page. [i][b]Combat: [/b][/i] Following a slow start which allows for heavy combo-ing at close range, Ruman gives no quarter. His greatsword deals heavy cleave damage, his shield blocks any and all damage, and he gets more aggressive with every hit he takes. This isn’t a multi-stage fight, it’s a single event that will stress test every single member of the present party. Even worse, he cannot be stunned and he brushes off the worst debuffs like a mosquito. His drops, while few and far between, are highly valued by Duelists and Berserkers. At market, each piece sells for absurd amounts of EXP, so many choose (and fail) to try their hand at grinding the Angelic High Lord. [b][i]Recommended Group Size:[/i][/b] 8 [hider=Ruman Drop Table] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dcmoNpx.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider]