[b]Funniest comedic moment:[/b] This. IT MADE ME LAUGH ANYWAY. "I have taken lessons from last time" raises so many questions. There's plenty of comedy in this rp, so kind of hard to pin down. Like everything Ra$%AHVA has done is pretty great. He's the biggest dickhole boss in the world, possibly. I'lleventuallyhavealist [quote=@Peik] [i]‘’Dear mother and father, I know I haven’t written to you in some time. To be honest things have been slightly busy. I know I told you last time I had sent a letter to you that I would get back into the whaling business. Well, fate has taken me to a different direction. I am afraid I am now running with a mercenary company. Do not worry – I have taken my lessons from last time. Everything is going well. I am not part of a combat group anymore, and the pay is well. I believe I shall be able to finish paying back my debt to you in a few months.’’[/i][/quote]