The farmhouse was a sight for sore eyes. Not that Neasa had ever seen it before. It was just such a relief, even in it's rather diminished state. With her shotgun in hands, she made her way inside, more concerned about what might possibly be in there to loot than danger. Hell, she'd rather die with a sudden bullet to the head than the already prolonged radiation sickness that would surely kill her. She didn't even get to search for too long when she heard it. At first she legitimately thought it was a chain-saw. Her gun came up and she whipped around, looking for whoever was the source of the sound. Being ripped apart by a chainsaw sounded even worse than radiation sickness and she had no desire to die such a gruesome death. It took her a moment to realize it wasn't a chainsaw. It was somebody snoring. The realization had her a bit floored. Who was so stupid to sleep in such an unsafe location? And to snore, too! Sitting ducks had a better chance of survival. Unless the place was booby trapped, but she'd yet to run into a trap. The possibility that the snoring moron could be her little brother slipped into her mind, but she shoved it away. It had been too long. Surely he was dead by now. Either way, she wanted to know who it was. Neasa brought her gun back up and slowly crept up the stairs, around the corner, checking for traps as she went. [@TheMadAssHater]